No, in fact it isn't it isn't. It is founded on the principles supporting the July 4, 1776 Action of the Second Continental Congress. The Declaration of Independence with its Bill of Charges against the Crown is the litmus test for the lawfulness of any and all government power. Speaking truth to power, both Susan B. Anthony and Martin Luther King Jr. argued that point. tgsam
You are making less sense with every post. The Declaration of Independence is not the litmus test for lawfulness or any other such nonsense. I think you have confused it with the Constitution. Here are some helpful links so you can learn the difference in the two. United States Constitution Declaration of Independence Also, to help you be less boring... you don't have to mention the Second Continental Congress or the Bill of Charges. That doesn't make you sound knowledgeable or smart. It makes you sound like some dude trying to impress us with your many fancy words instead of a real point. Have a great day.
The Declaration is the promise while the Constitution is supposed to be the fulfillment. It will take a Philosophical Renaissance to get America back on course. tgsam
Let's see, any evidence of Christ in the Constitution here? No? Changing the subject? OK, I don't blame you.
Yep. Don't bother attempting to answer any other points as you know you can't. It's just like your lack of response in previous discussions about how Democrats have always been in power in Louisiana and have been a monumental failure. You simply move on to something else and blame Republicans, conservatives, or Christians. (BTW...all three of those have had more to do with the prosperity in America than Democrats, liberals, and atheists) Don't you at least have any responses courtesy of Wikipedia or Google? For the guy who knows himself better than anyone...and calls himself a moderate...and who doesn't need a party, you sure do rely on the internet and liberal Democrats to promote your ideology. :grin: GOD bless America!...even red. :hihi: (He needs it.)
Giving the Olympics to Chicago would be like putting Marion Barry in charge of the Methadone Program. On vacation. I was camping/hunting from Thursday to Sunday and right now I'm looking at the Gulf from a condo in Orange Beach :thumb:
It is truly sad that the natural beauty that was Mt. Rushmore has been spoiled. The same is true of Stone Mountain in Georgia. tgsam
lol I get it, it only must be the "real america" to be considered. thats pretty much a pathetic comeback from you.:hihi:
Nope, nothing about Christ in the Constitution in this post either. :grin: I'll answer your points when you make them properly. For instance, you make a "point" of Obama's "repeated failures". What are those? Pick something and tell us why it is a failure. Health plan hasn't even started yet, the stimulus is working, the economy has stabilized without a depression, we're on track to be out of Iraq, Korea is coming back to negotiations, and our foreign policy credibility is way up. Peace prize, you know. You want to say he's taken on too much, I might agree. You say that it will take years to see any progress on some things, I might agree. But saying he has had multiple failures in only 9 months is simply wrong. Especially compared to the colossal and multiple failures of his predecessor.