Obama wins Nobel Peace prize

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by burlesontiger, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Dec 23, 2004
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    Peace is usually won and sustained by the point of a gun. Obama is 'peace-loving', and he's more than willing to spill some blood to make it happen. If you'll review your history a little, you'll remember that guns are nicknamed 'peacemakers' because they bring peace. Or simply called 'peace', as in, 'are you packin a peace?'

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    If you hate America...whether due to jealousy, fear, or you believe we're arrogant...what more could you ask for than a President who claims we're not a Christian nation, doesn't support Israel, and apologizes for everything we've ever done while sitting down with terrorists to discuss how we can get rid of our weapons to promote peace?

    They gave him the award NOT because they believe his "Hope" speeches will actually entice lazy government dependent people to give off their ass and be productive. They gave him the award because they want him to continue to weaken America through his vision.

    You'll never see the award go to a strong, courageous President who isn't afraid to make a decision. If so, Reagan would've had several.

    This award has occasionally had meaning when it has gone to an individual without political ties. When it goes to a politician it really has little to do with accomplishments.

    Regarding the Olympics...I wish the U.S. would've been awarded the games. The U.S. wasn't represented though. This was all about Chicago. Obama wouldn't have said a word had it not been his town. I think he ticked off some voters by flying in at the last minute and expecting his presence to make the difference. I think his arrogance backfired this time.

    Would Chicago have won had he not visited? I don't know but I think Chicago's elimination in the first round was a message that they didn't appreciate his tactics. I guess that means the entire world is racist. (Is that correct Mr. Carter?) I thought it was comical that Oprah who has never been in shape in her life was promoting a sporting event. I could see Sumo Wrestling but not anything with low body fat.

    I'm not glad we lost the Olympics...but since we did, I'm delighted Chicago was the first one eliminated. They had the wrong people representing our bid.

    Also...Is Michelle Obama pregnant? Her pooch is huge. I don't remember that before. They were talking about her being in great shape last year but doesn't look like it now. Maybe she's been hanging with mad cow Oprah too long. :)
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    our support of stupidass worthless israel is what got us into this whole situation we are in now. the fact that we only elect "christian" presidents doesnt help either.
  4. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I'm all for the legalization of drugs, but you need to use them in moderation. You may want to cut back on your daily intake. Obama is a Muslim a$$ kissing piece of $hit. If you call bending over and hugging foreign leaders crotches making peace then yes he deserves the Nobel.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Feb 11, 2009
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    I think he just bit off a little more than he can chew. And his aides are running this war.

    Hope and speeches and books and inspiration... Nope, nowhere did it show any type of real contributions. - Soooo... Just words, huh? Maybe he shoulda just won a book award.

    He's a smoke-blowing azzkisser. I would believe in him if he actually did anything.
  6. tinsley

    tinsley Veteran Member

    Sep 20, 2009
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    Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000179 EndHTML:0000002803 StartFragment:0000002392 EndFragment:0000002767 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/tinsley/Desktop/LSU%20Free%20Speech.doc

    The Nobel Committee has shamed itself by using the awarding of the prestigious Nobel Prize to merely send a message.

    Shame, shame, shame.

  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    There is nothing about Christ in the Constitution.



    When has this ever happened?

    You're making things up again. You can't get away with that here.
  8. burlesontiger

    burlesontiger Founding Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    Theodore Roosevelt 1906: Largely for drafting the peace treaty between Russia and Japan.

    So they did give it to a strong, courageous Republican President; it was just 103 years ago.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    You and many of your counterparts here are great at that. I see you still have your head buried in the sand...or the Democrats ass.

    This is just another example of undeserved award/praise for Obama. He has done nothing productive for this country and is burying us in debt with his ideology. Show me how this nation is stronger, people are healthier, the middle class is better off, etc., etc., etc. due to anything HE has done.

    You can't! Knowing you I'm sure you'll spend all day searching the internet to find a link to some nutjob that may share your OPINION. That still doesn't make it a fact.

    We were sold a false bill of goods. This guy is supposed to be GOD yet can't accomplish anything. This isn't Clinton working with a Republican Congress. This isn't Bush working with a Democrat Congress. The deck was stacked perfectly for him. He has control of everything and followed a President with a low performance rating and an unpopular war. You couldn't ask for more yet he can't accomplish jack!

    His repeated failures/inaction are continuously blamed on Bush and Fox News. Get real. Do you really believe everyone in this country is stupid enough to believe this B.S. Maybe many of his supporters are this ignorant but I think most conservatives and moderates are realizing this guy is a bust.

    So far Obama is to the Oval Office what Ryan Leaf was to the NFL. (an overhyped, overrated bust!)

    Is it fair to claim this only nine months into his term? Well...I guess if you can win the Nobel with only 12 days in office then yes, we've had enough time to label him as a bust.
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"

    US Treaty with Tripoli, 1796-1797

    dang! you got me there.

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