Obama wins Nobel Peace prize

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by burlesontiger, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    ok, you tell me, what have these doom and gloom ipcc scientists predicted that has happened? did they predict that the globe has not warmed since the 90's? has the prediction of more severe hurricanes happened?

    how can we trust all these predictions, like changing weather patterns will threaten crop production? how do we know we cant just figure out another place or a better way to grow more or different crops? how we do we know that the heat will cause more brutal hurricanes?

    they are the ones asking for change, they are the ones asking for power, they are the ones who have to justify it, to prove it with predictions that re accurate. but they havent. for all we know global warming is great for mankind. and why wouldnt it be?

    for all we know, everything we do to stop it will only make things worse.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Bogus spin. Most of the worlds research money goes to legitimate scientists and university research, so it is not surprising that most scientists have government research funding from NSF and similar research funding agencies.

    You suggest that global warming special interests are paying the IPCC scientists, which is patently false.

    This is a classic example of misleading graphics. The graph offered by the McIntyre/ McKitrick as evidence against Mann's graph contains two intentionally misleading factors.

    1. They changed the scale of the graph to emphasize the early differences between the curves by a factor of 3.

    2. They conveniently eliminated the last half of the 20th century in their graph! That was the part that had the "hockey stick" feature that proves that current temperatures are in fact higher than the MWP. They also left out the earlier cooler period to make the curve appear to begin at the highest point.

    Mann's Graph --the hockey stick


    McIntyre/ McKitrick reconstruction -- oops left out the last 50 years!


    The actual graph from the 2007 IPCC Report showing the MWP clearly and also clearly showing the "hockey Stick" rise in the last 20th century.


    So the answer is . . . Yes the Mann graph did not show the MWP accurately, but the difference was not as big as claimed and it in no way invalidates the NOAA conclusion that "In summary, it appears that the late 20th and early 21st centuries are likely the warmest period the Earth has seen in at least 1200 years. " Furthermore its depiction of the actual "hockey stick" rise is completely valid.

    Hearsay. There is no record of anyone stating that "we must get rid of the MWP". That is an unsubstantiated allegation from a critic!

    That's your allegation, it isn't proven that the graph was made to fit an agenda, only that it was made using incomplete data.

    Hans Von Stork in Nature reviewed the hockey stick controversy.

  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Bring it on! martin and I will tag team you into submission.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    that one will end up with the inevitable "ok, there is no evidence, but i talked to god and i have faith"
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Climate models and weather forecasting are two different things, child.

    If your common sense doesn't tell you something about that, there are plenty of studies out there to convince you. Dust bowl--1930'? ring a bell?

    Irrelevant to the issue.

    Because warm equatorial water causes hurricanes to form. Warmer earth=warmer oceans=more hurricanes. Studies are available for you to ignore.

    Once again . . . who are "They"?

    Irrelevant to the issue of the legitimacy of AGW.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    yes, ewather forecasting is relatively accurate over the short term. but climate models describing the future so far have been dreadful failures. and yet we still want to base policy on them.

    do you happen to know what ended the ice ages? what caused that heat that melted the ice sheets that covered north america? is that factor not in play now? why not?

    If your common sense doesn't tell you something about that, there are plenty of studies out there to convince you. Dust bowl--1930'? ring a bell?[/quote]

    the dust bowl was mainly dude to poor farming practices and economic issues caused by big government folks like you, not environmental issues. a drought similar to the dust bowl would be handled quite easily today, provided the government didnt try to save us from it.

    you simply are ignorant of the state of science here. it is simply not an accepted premise that there will be more hurricanes due to warming. studies are available for you to ignore.

    mainly the scientists affiliated with the UN and the IPCC, and the politicians who want more control and votes from idiots who think they can fix the damage done by dirty humans to the precious earth.

    not true. AGW would not be an issue for this board otherwise. it is a political issue, and the science is wildly tainted. again, there is a reason we we are not in here arguing string theory or gravitational fields. those things have not been used as political tools.

    but if we could use those things to justify big government, you could damn sure find a panel of scientists ready to justify whatever side meant bigger government and more control. this is how science is ruined by politics.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You are digging up old questions I've already answered for you many times. I ain't going there for very long. Obviously any fool should realize that the existence of AGW does not stop natural processes. Come up with something new and document it or be ignored.

    Accompanied by a very bad climate related drought.

    Then you should have no trouble proving it. I won't hold my breath.

    Get serious or be ignored.

    There are two issues and you know it. You just realize that you can't win the scientific issue but the political issue is subjective, so you keep trying to steer it there. Tuffghi chitski. I defend science on this issue not Al Gore.

    You understand little about government and less about science.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    from where? if heat can be introduced that changes the earth, millions and millions of years before humans, shouldnt we understand how that works before we start blaming ourselves when exactly what we should expect to happen (cycles) happens?

    Climate Change-Hurricane Debate Too Close to Call, Author Says

    you cant call yourself educated on this if you do not know that the consensus you so adore is not on your side regarding hurricanes.

    i would be happy to let anyone win the science if they would stop trying to manipulate policy. you are the one tryint to influence politics, not me, you are the one seeking change. you are the one trying to damage the economy as if you dont care that poor people exist or they are less important than first-world white guilt.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    "Although recent climate model simulations project a decrease or no change in global tropical cyclone numbers in a warmer climate, there is low confidence in this projection. In addition, it is unknown how tropical cyclone tracks or areas of impact will change in the future. "

    - NOAA


    note: the guy who wrote this for NOAA quit the IPCC when his research was ignored and passed over for politicized garbage.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    We already know how ancient geologic processes work, we just don't have climatological data for it, so nobody knows, one way or the other. Such is the way of paleogeology. But, due to ice core and tree-ring studies, we can now know with great confidence the climate changes in the last 10,000 years. We have good human records for the last few centuries.

    It's not hard to understand that the existence of natural cycles does NOT preclude the existence of human-cased warming. The conclusions of the IPCC demonstrate why this is so.

    It's not on yours either. As your link points out, the debate continues and neither side has prevailed.

    You lie. I have said none of these things. None of it has a damn thing to do with global warming.

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