You know, I wish you would go read the dozen or so threads we've already had on this topic, I tire of shooting down the same lame objections. But I can't believe you tossed me this softball. I've actually shot it down three times before. A "study" from the Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine! Great stuff. Here is what Sourcewatch has to say about the OISM. This Kook (Robinson) published a bogus report saying that 31,000 scientists were opposed to global warming. It turns out that many on the list were totally bogus (Micheal Fox, Dr. Gerri Halliwell, etc,), most were not scientists (some were actually businesses), and very few were climatologists that could be considered experts on the subject and some of them claimed to no longer support the petition, since it's thesis has been rewritten at least seven times. That phony list has been thoroughly discredited years ago. You must hate it when your "experts" turn out to be . . . well, something less than experts. It's a one-paragraph petition, not based on any scientific studies whatsoever. IT's full of people that are completely undocumented. They have gone in and edited out about 700 "scientists" like Mick E. Mouse tha submitted petitions, supposedly and others who were in fact dead before the petition came out. It is remarkably lacking in climatologists, but has loads of other unqualified people. He even has Edward Teller, the inventor of the hydrogen bomb, as if nuclear physics has anything remotely to do with climatology. Hell, you can sign it yourself. Anybody who claims to have a science degree can become global warming expert. You don't even have to prove it. You know there are a handful of global climatologists who have written peer-reviewed papers in the scientific literature that discount certain elements of human-induced global warming, but nobody here has gone to find any of those and make an argument based on it. I've said many times that it's easy to find climate change skeptics, but damned difficult to find an expert that has backed up dissenting claims with scientific evidence. And the few that have have not managed to sway the consensus opinion of the IPCC experts. Here are some links debunking the petition list. Not at all. I don't dismiss him, but a dissenting opinion simply does not invalidate the science. There are always a few dissenters, but the overwhelming consensus of the experts prevails. Anyway the guy you cite does not refute climate change at all, he merely thinks some of the proposed solutions are expensive and not guaranteed to work, which I tend to agree with. It doesn't mean that the problem doesn't exist, only that it's not an easy fix . . . which is true. You can find more skeptics, but do try to find some legitimate ones. I can find hundreds of scientific papers from the top experts at the the top agencies. Here is a list of organizations that accept anthropogenic global warming as real and scientifically well-supported: NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS): National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): Global Warming Frequently Asked Questions Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis National Academy of Sciences (NAS): Nat'l Academies Press Collection: Global Warming/Climate Change Collection State of the Canadian Cryosphere (SOCC) - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Climate Change | U.S. EPA The Royal Society of the UK (RS) - American Geophysical Union (AGU): American Meteorological Society (AMS): Climate Change Research: Issues for the Atmospheric and Related Sciences Adopted by the AMS Council 9 February 2003 American Institute of Physics (AIP): Statement on Human Impacts on Climate Change - American Institute of Physics National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR): How Does Climate Change? American Meteorological Society (AMS): Joint Academies' Statement Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS): Climate Change Policy Every major scientific institution dealing with climate, ocean, and/or atmosphere agrees that the climate is warming rapidly and the primary cause is human CO2 emissions. In addition to that list, see also this joint statement (PDF) that specifically and unequivocally endorses the work and conclusions of the IPCC Third Assessment report. The statement was issued by: Academia Brasiliera de Ciencias (Brazil) Royal Society of Canada Chinese Academy of Sciences Academie des Sciences (France) Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Germany) Indian National Science Academy Accademia dei Lincei (Italy) Science Council of Japan Russian Academy of Sciences Royal Society (United Kingdom) National Academy of Sciences (United States of America) Argue the politics all you want, its politics. Just don't try to use politics to attempt to dismiss the science. Politics. It does not have any scientific credibility. Politics. I agree with criticism of politicians, they distort and twist everything to meet a political agenda. But you confuse politics and science intermittently here. I'm defending the science of climate change and I'm prepared to denounce any political reason for dismissing the science. I do not defend Al Gore and the politics of climate change. I do not support the Kyoto Treaty myself, because it it unfair to the US politically. Not because climate change is invalid, it certainly is not. Right-wing Kyoto opponents think that they must denounce the science, but it is impossible . . . and unnecessary. Just denounce the bad politics of it. Try to separate the politics from the real science and things will become clearer.
These posts are getting really long so I apologize in advance. Originally posted by Red: This is exactly the problem I'm talking about. I don't understand what you are requiring of me. A scientific study? Peer-reviewed research? I'm supposed to produce this how? On my own or something? I'm not about to start spending good money and valuable time running around to climate change seminars, workshops or something like this. That's ridiculous of you to demand that. This is a goddamn internet forum, Red. We are having this discussion in the middle of working, watching football, etc. All I can do is try to find scientists, climatologists, experts who disagree with the "consensus" and point out their statements. You can dismiss them but that doesn't mean we are any closer to the truth. I will try again, but I have to admit I can't keep tossing up names, quotes, studies only for you to sit there and say no to them like you are the final authority on the subject. It's a pointless exercise. If you were sincerely motivated to find out the truth of the matter I think you would probably go through this process on your own, but that's no personal attack. People are lazy, I'm lazy too......we have other things to do and both of us are no longer students with tons of time on our hands. But here goes nothing: I don't want to overload the post so here is the link: .: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :. Here is a good quote from the site: A few more...... So again, I don't know what else to say to you. All of these individuals seem to have serious reservations about the science of the matter. You have to dismiss all these opinions and say they are all kooks. Why are the scientist against your side of the argument any worse than the ones supporting you? Your experts are more credible than mine?! And what about the brief statement by the woman in regard to funding? You don't think the ability to get funding has any influence on the scientific community? Please don't tell me they are above such things. These people have financial obligations of their own. I imagine it's similar to the intelligence community....if the boss wants to start a war somewhere i feel sure a motivated intelligence officer can come up with a report based on truthful information that supports one side of the argument. He would of course neglect to include information that invalidates the desired position. Are you telling me that doesn't happen in regard to scientists? I don't know, Red....i think we have gotten more into an awkward place in the debate where I have to come up with some earth shattering revelation.....why don't we just alert CNN and have a press conference?.....flabengal has something to say!! There are many, much more intelligent people than me....scientists, climatologists, "experts", for lack of a better word that disagree with the idea that mankind's activities are causing the climate to become warmer. That is a fact. The ones that i agree with are saying we don't need to reduce the amount of energy we produce on this new taxes, regulations, etc. The "experts" that you agree with are, however, saying that human behavior has to change. And that change involves higher taxes, increased costs and less personal freedom for you average citizen. Could you at least admit that if the global warming proponents have their way that we will have more government and higher taxes as a result? Personally I think the taxes are high enough and your average citizen would be better off if there were less interference from the government not more.
My friend, I've been an environmental scientist for 30 years. There is real science and there is "popular" science. There are real experts and there are phony experts. There is a major world consensus and there are some dissenters. You make a lot of scientific claims and that's fine, but in science one must be prepared to support ones arguments, that's all. I defend science a lot here. Please, don't call it ridiculous when you post a claim and have it challenged in a debate forum, OK? The football discussion is happening on another forum, go over there if you wish. You don't know me very well if you think I'm not going to shoot down weak arguments here. It's not personal, we argue a lot in FSA. Most of us enjoy it. I'm not dismissing them out of hand. I am demonstrating to you that a phony petition does not challenge science. There is a lot of bullchit out there on the net, but I know a proper scientific argument (and they do exist) and I know internet BS. You don't even seem concerned that your "evidence" is not evidence at all. It's a debate, amigo. I don't have to accept your claims unless you can prove them. You can demand the same for me. I live this subject, sir. I've alrealy asked you to peruse prior thread on the subject, but you won't so you don't understand. SO I'm trying to make it clear. Look, I conduct environmental science research for a living. I recognize clear distinctions between scientific evidence and political characterizations on the internet, that's what I'm trying to demonstrate here. I'm trying to get you to understand that your objections are political, not scientific. Well, none of those links work, but it's OK, I am very familiar with the much-repeated "700" scientists lists, too. It has been debated here before. It also has been debunked publicy. This time it's not a Kooks list, thank goodness, but amazingly bad spin by the press that thinks it tells them something. The spin in the claim that more than 700 scientists dissent regarding global warming #1: 700 scientists is actually not a large number when you look at the overall number of scientists Just within the United States there are 2,685,000 scientists. This does not include the millions of scientists one could find in Japan, India, China, Great Britain, etc. If we just take the number of scientists in the United States, the number of "dissenters" regarding global warming make up .02% of the overall scientists population. That means at least 99.98% of scientists either are on board with the global warming consensus or do not know of this report. The opposition to climate change legislation makes it seem as though 700 scientists is an overwhelming number of scientists and that no consensus exist in the scientific community. #2: The 13:1 ratio is bogus Opponents of climate change legislation claim the doubters of global warming outnumber the supporters 13:1. There are a number of problems with this claim. First, opponents come up with this ratio by comparing the number of scientists they were able to scratch together from the entire scientific community with the number of scientists who authored the U.N. report regarding global warming. The problem is that there exists far many more supporters of global warming than the scientists who authored the IPCC report. By only using the number of authors one significantly skews the numbers. This would be akin to saying socialists outnumber capitalists 1 billion to one because after all Adam Smith is the only person who wrote Wealth of Nations and therefore he must be the only capitalist on earth. We know the truth to be otherwise. #3: The truth regarding global warming should be about more than "I have more scientists than you!" The fight over global warming cannot be simplified into a numbers equation. All scientists are not created equal. So, for example, a scientists with a doctorate in atmospheric science would carry much more weight than a scientists with doctorate degree in biology. Just as I would rather have a cardiologist perform my heart surgery rather than a pediatrician I would say that some scientists have more authority than others when it comes to global warming. Even among scientists both holding atmospheric science degrees we must lend more weight to the one who has published hundreds of articles about global warming than the scientists who has published ten articles on acid rain. #4: If one reads the report you see that not all the scientists actually deny the existence of man-made global warming Opponents were likely counting on no one actually reading the 255 page report but when you do read the report you find that not every scientists, or even most of them, in the report dispute the existence of global warming. Many of them deny global warming will have catastrophic impacts but they do not deny that global warming exist or that it will have some impact. Some say they have doubts regarding global warming but saying you have doubts is a far cry from denying the existence of something. Not exactly. The research and published conclusions of the worlds climatological experts are more credible that a simple "list" of scientists, polled on their opinions. Not at all. We can agree to disagree. But this is a topic very close to me, I understand it pretty well, and I 've already shot down these 31,000- and 700-scientists lists before in FSA. It is only consistent to do so again. It's nothing personal. When you start talking about the political "solutions" to climate change, I may surprise you. Some of them make a lot of sense and dome of them are quite absurd. They just don't invalidate the science behind it. It is a fact. But it's not a fact that invalidates the overwhelming conclusions of the experts in climatology. The IPCC report is something you should read if you really care about the science. But I don't think it is environmental science that you disagree with, it is environmental politics and guess what? I agree with you that many environmental politics are not well thought out on either side of the issue. You see? I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that the scientific basis of climate changes is sound and agreed on by virtually of the world's scientific experts. I'm not concerned with the politics of it, do you understand what I'm saying? True scientists can't be concerned with what politicians try to make of their findings. They can't use "higher taxes, increased costs and less personal freedom for you average citizen" in a scientific analysis. The paper would never get accepted in a reputable scientific journal. It would be laughable. I do not object to you having that political opinion, sir. Why don't you put it that way? I wouldn't have even challenged you. I only object to those trying to debunk climate change with phony science. That's all.
Originally posted by Red: Ok, the key is the warming is caused by CO2, correct? Apparently the skeptical scientist hang their hat on these problems with the consensus argument: 1) The greenhouse hotspot in the atmosphere is missing. 2) Ice core samples indicate that CO2 levels rise hundreds of years after the temperature rises. 3) The world has not warmed since 2001. 4) CO2 is already absorbing as much of the sun's energy as it can. So what do you expect me and whoever else reads this thread to do.....go out and research the "greenhouse hotspot" and ice core samples? Take a look at some graphs of global temperature since 2001? Bury my nose in a book about the ability of CO2 to absorb sunlight? sound like the talking heads on CNBC that tried to blame the investors in the Madoff scandal for having invested with the guy. He was given the stamp of approval of the SEC, used to run the Nasdaq (from what I understand), had all the documents you could ever ask for to prove he was a legitimate business and yet he was, in truth, a crook. You would have to be a jackass to suggest that 99 people out of 100 wouldn't have gladly invested with the guy. It's almost as if there was a consensus of opinion and "evidence" that his investment business was legit. But it wasn't. Because consensus cannot change the facts. And the facts are what they are independent of the consensus.....what really matters is the truth. So who is telling the truth? The guy who wants your money or the guy who says you keep your money and i'll keep mine?
Re: Warming Who is telling the truth? Try What is telling the truth. The instruments and the cameras are telling the truth.
Originally posted by Red: I don't object to any claims being challenged in a debate forum. What I object to is your demand that I produce some sort of a scientific paper on the matter. That would be very labor intensive and an unreasonably high threshold of proof for this forum. If this were a forum for environmental scientists then I would say that is reasonable but not here. I would be satisfied if you would agree there are large number (admittedly a minority) of experts who reject the claim of man made global warming. I feel comfortable enough with having demonstrated that, to be honest. I am content to hang my hat on these two quotes: Originally quoted by Red: I appreciate you pointing that out. I readily admit I was not interested in digging through old threads on the matter. I am also quite comfortable admitting that you will probably forget more about environmental science than I will ever know. That is precisely why I have to rely on other experts to make vaild points in regard to climate change. Originally quoted by Red: Well, yes and no. My suspicion of global warming advocates does stem from their political position on other subjects where I disagree with them and have found them perfectly willing to be deceptive in their arguments. You have to admit if someone is found to by lying to you on one subject you would be more likely to be skeptical of them on other subjects. I do however object to the abusive use of the term "science". Science is only beneficial in so far as it leads us to the truth. It doesn't help if it used to manipulate society, as I believe, much "bad science" does. And no one pushing his side of the argument is ever going to admit to using "bad science" they just say science and expect that to intimidate everyone. Like scientist all agree or something. You, as an environmental scientist, must know better than I do that scientist are always disagreeing and are constantly realizing what they used to think was practically a proven fact has now been shown to be incorrect. Correct me if I am wrong but aren't most of Freud's theories now regarded with a high degree of skepticism? How about Darwin's original theory of evolution? It's my understanding that has been tweeked quite a bit in the last 50 years or so. Both of them were experts in their day. How about Karl Marx for God's sake? He was regarded as an expert by a large part of the world. How did his economic theories work out? I am sure there are other, better example in physics, or biology or chemistry but I am not that familiar with those subjects. These experts are not infallible. There is always the other side of the argument and there is some truth to the maxim, "the masses are #sses..." But again, you seem to want some indication that I've looked at the scientific problems with global warming and I cannot blame you for asking for that so I will stick with my previous post. -What about the lack of a greenhouse hotspot in the atmosphere? Why have they not found that? -What about the idea that the CO2 levels rise after temperature rises? Is this what the lastest data from the ice core samples show? This is where I would like to turn it over to an environmental scientists to debate the point but I'm afraid you are the only one responding to my correspondence at the moment.:yelwink2: opcorn:
No, you are doing exactly the right thing here. You have offered an objection based on science, not politics, and posed four issues to supporting your skepticism. We have a basis for discussion at last. 1) The greenhouse hotspot in the atmosphere is missing. Ah, David Evans. Very good. OK, David Evans published a piece in The Australian last year where he made a series of arguments against AGW, but the article was most famous for him coining the term ‘hotspot’ and claiming that such a hotspot doesn’t exist. Critique of Evans theory is still coming in, but its already very critical. Here is a good overview of the sticky problems pointed out, but in short, Evans has a very long way to go to prove this yet and will have to address the hot objections that Lambert and others are making to his theory. But it is an acceptable scientific theory, being presented in the right fashion, and being scrutinized by his peers. It's a proper scientific challenge and a valid issue for your skeptic list. Good find. Bravo, that's what I'm talkin' about. 2) Ice core samples indicate that CO2 levels rise hundreds of years after the temperature rises. Hey, you're on a roll, Dawg. When viewed coarsely, historical CO2 levels and temperature actually show a tight correlation. However, a close examination of the CH4, CO2, and temperature fluctuations recorded in the Antarctic ice core records reveals that, yes, temperature sometimes moves first. What this indicates is that CO2 and temperature affect each other in their tight correlation. So it is correct that CO2 did not always trigger the warmings, but it definitely contributed to them -- and according to climate theory and model experiments, greenhouse gas forcing was the dominant factor in the magnitude of the ultimate change. You can go here for a discussion of exactly this question by climate scientists, with greater technical detail and full references to the scientific literature. 3) The world has not warmed since 2001. Softball. :yelwink2: Clearly in natural systems the curve is never a parabola. There are peaks and dips and flat spots in a steadily rising trend corresponding with the introduction of 20th century greenhouse gases. 4) CO2 is already absorbing as much of the sun's energy as it can. I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to say here. Can you amplify that some? Who says this and why do they think so? How does this relate to AGW? Uhhh . . . OK. :huh: Denial surely doesn't change any facts. Science deals exclusively in facts and truth can be determined. It's why scientific opinions can be supported with evidence. I care if one disputes a scientific fact. I can say "show me". Conversely, political opinions are yours and need not be factual and require no evidence to support. I don't care if one disputes a political opinion. In politics, "truth" is about honesty, rather than facts.
And lastly a purely political point on the subject: Thatcher adviser: Copenhagen goal is 1-world government there's an additional link in the article to a youtube video that is quite good... sorry, Red. I have Sunday off and the football hasn't started yet.... :thumb: