Obama wins Nobel Peace prize

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by burlesontiger, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    that seems less likely than climate being unpredictable.

    it amazes me that people cant see how transparently obvious this whole scam is. how people desperately want global warming to be true, even though it is a negative thing. when you understand that, we can proceed with your training, grasshopper.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Well, if they ever find something wrong, let me know. Right now all they've got is speculation.

    Tell me. Do you imagine that this one scientist's study is the only climatological data used to determine the IPCC Report conclusions? Ad why do you think anything is wrong with an author declining to share his private database?

    Scientists decline to share their entire developmental databases all the time. Some of this data takes decades to assemble and the compiler wants to be able to analyze and publish the data himself and not have it stolen by another scientist who is too lazy or incompetent to get the grant money needed. Much of the data is public domain and anyone can go get it themselves, a scientist is not required to do any of the legwork for his competitors.

    Some of the data comes from proprietary sources which have confidentiality agreements. Much research is paid for by grants from third-party foundations who expect exclusive rights to publish the results. Other data is incomplete and not ready for analysis.

    A scientist gets to choose what he decides to publish and what he does not decide to publish. If he writes a paper, it survives scrutiny and is accepted by the discipline, it can certainly be challenged, but the challenger must disprove the author's thesis by using the data presented or by introducing his own data that contradicts it.

    FUrthermore, no one has a right to ask a scientist to give up his entire database because there may be more yet-unpublished papers in there that only the compiler has the right to analyze and write for publication.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I'll take that as a resignation.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    true, i am somewhat resigned. i accept that humans can be very un-self-aware, and not understand why they are so eager to believe things. particularly things about their nature. like their tendency towards guilt-related myths.

    tha average idiotic white liberal doesnt understand why he wants global warming to be true. he thinks global warming is bad and that he hates it. but the reality is that he loves it and desperately wants it to be true.

    keep studying the human, you will learn how they operate.
  5. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    Red, I would happy to leave it to the relm of science, except the scientists are influenced by the political atmosphere in the world. I would also be happy to go through the process of researching articles, list other scientists, etc. that you would prefer to see....."evidence" for lack of a better word. The problem is this will simply be dismissed by you because of the inability of people to recognize the truth in their daily life. It's certainly unrealistic to expect the problem to be solved on tiger forums of all places.

    Here is my main point. The problem with these discussions is that it is not a sincere search for the truth. If one were really interested in the truth of the matter it would be pretty simple to start with this premise:

    Human beings are all capable of being corrupt and having an agenda....whether they are priests, scientists, journalists, politicians or whatever.

    So the question follows, if they are telling me to change my behavior in whatever way, they could be doing so for truthful reasons or they could have an agenda. As an adult it is your job to try and figure that out.

    Part of figuring that out would be their track record on truthfulness in the past. So let's look at the track record of some of the proponents of global warming.

    I would say the proponents of global warming are predominanently those on the left. The left also proposes......

    -Men and woman are essentially the same....most of the differences we take for granted are a result of environmental, cultural influences.

    -Homosexuality is simply another, equally healthy and valid lifestyle and as such same-sex marriage should be legalized.

    -Abortion is not the killing of a human being but the "termination of a pregnancy" and as such is part of a woman's reproductive right.

    -Immigration results in diversity which is beneficial to the US.

    -Tax rates for the wealthy should be higher because they are able to bear the burden. "Spread the wealth around".

    -Prayer in schools could be offensive to some students so it must be outlawed.

    It is my contention that all of these assertions are patent b.s. and are not intended to strengthen the US but are intended to do just the opposite. The US has to be demoralized from within to the point it will be passively folded into the one world government that "they" feel is the best political organization for the planet.

    They also have to weaken the US position economically so they also throw out some of the whoppers for public consumption.

    -The subprime problem is contained....

    -The recession is over.

    -The US favors a strong dollar.

    -Inflation is not a problem.

    They also have to weaken the US military so they spread it all over the world to contain such threats as......Iraq?!

    Please, Red, tell me that you are not naive enough to believe that Iraq ever posed a threat to the US.

    The goddamn Soviet Union wasn't in a position to start a war with the US but the Iraqis were about to pick a fight? Please, tell me you see that we are the ones who wanted that fight.

    But this post is getting too long. So just for arguments sake I will include an article about global warming. I found it in about 5 seconds on google....and then you can post the counter article and then we are at a mexican standstill, amigo!:yelwink2:

    (that was meant in the best possible way!)

    Top scientist debunks global warming | The Australian
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I'm with you so far. You'd like to recognize the science of it, but you aren't willing to study it or even to look it up and discuss it.

    OK, then go right ahead.

    Wait a minute, what happened to the examples of scientists who have a track record of untruthfulness on global warming? This statement is just a speculation from you on the politics of left and right. You have failed to make a case for scientific untruthfulness.

    Well, you have not offered one single solitary bit of information about climate change here much less a scientifically based objection to it. This is a soliloquy of all you hate politically. You lump climatology in with a bunch of liberal politics with no evidence at all to support it. You dismiss all of the science right off the bat and base your decisions of a physical phenomemon on politics that you dislike that have nothing whatsoever to do with the phenomenon. Amazing!

    Now you are confusing your politics, too, but I don't blame you for changing the subject, you were going nowhere. The Iraq War was was a right-wing republican misadventure. The left and the middle knew that Iraq was never a shadow of a threat to the US. Ever. I opposed Iraq from before the beginning and relentlessly ever since. And it has nothing whatsover to do with climate change, my friend.

    I don't even have to refute it. It is self-refuting. The geologist is not a climatologist and has not written a scientific paper on his theory to withstand scrutiny by the scientific community. He gave an interview to a writer and "plans to write a book about his theory".

    How many times must I point out that one popular article by a scientist cannot invalidate science! The scientific method of research, analysis, publication, and defense of a thesis must be followed to even be accepted by science, much less to "debunk" anything.
  7. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    Ok, I will humor you and post some more "facts". But this is one of my main points. This forum is not the place to get into a fullfledged battle of scientific papers. How could it be? We will not solve it here so why go through with more of:

    Step 1)
    I present some info and then...

    Step 2)
    You tell me why it is irrelevant...

    Ok, how about 31,000 scientist.....you will of course, dismiss them but here they are:

    31,000 scientist signed off on this. You can find it at:

    Home - Global Warming Petition Project

    But they are all scientists not climatologists....ok, how about:

    An atmospheric physicist.....I don't know, is that the same as a climatologist? Well if not, how about our friend from Gumpland.....

    He's a climatologist so how are you going to dismiss him? Oh, I know, you trot out your experts, and they cancel each other out. A mexican standoff, just like in the courtrooms. An adult with half a brain can make an argument for both sides of a case. The question is who is actually telling the truth and who is pushing an agenda.

    I never proposed that the scientists were being deliberately untruthful, just that their findings are twisted by those in power to fit their agenda. An agenda which includes more power for the government over your behavior. Can't you see they have to create the impression of a crisis for the people to agree to a change of the status quo? They create the crisis and then come up with the solution....it's always the same game.

    I'm not fan of George Bush and the neo-cons, believe me. I was just pointing out that they have their own agenda to push....it just doesn't happen to be climate change for them. They have a different to "do list" than the liberals. It's certainly just as harmful for the US but it is in fact a slightly different agenda. It was just supposed to be another example of the government propaganda that the US is subject to on an ongoing basis. That point was never meant to address the climate change issue directly and you know it.

    Final point, I'll try and make it again. The government is not trying to help you. They do not have your best interests in mind.
  8. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    You mention something about peer review so here you go:

    Here is the link:

    Global Warming Petition Project

    I'm telling you they are pushing an agenda which will result in the loss of national sovereignty and the US being governed by UN technocrats....climate change is just one part of the agenda. The other parts that are easily recognizable are economic (coming dollar crises a good example), moral (gay marriage a good example) and in regard to US military might (multiple foreign engagements which do not enhance US security and weaken our ability to defend our true national interests).

    For those who want the short version of the article here is the conclusion:

  9. Texas_Tiger

    Texas_Tiger Tiger Stuck in Aggie Land

    Aug 30, 2009
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    The silence is deafening!
  10. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Apr 3, 2003
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    Yeah, i was kind of expecting more fireworks than this.....must all be watching the hogs about to hand it to the gators at florida field!!!

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