Obama will not win

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, May 8, 2012.

  1. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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    Only Obama Is Better Off
    By Michael Reagan
    The only person I know who is better off today than he was four years ago is President Obama.
    He's making more money, living in a bigger house, and playing more golf. And when his wife goes on a shopping spree with her girlfriends, it's to Spain on the taxpayer's dime.
    If you asked President Obama if he's better off today, he'd say, "Hell, yeah! And we don't want it to stop!"
    Meanwhile, as the president skates through the Great Recession, his failure to get the economy back on track has turned a country known for its optimism and belief in a better future into a nation of pessimists.
    According to a recent opinion poll by Scott Rasmussen's company, 63 percent of voters — liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans — do not think today's children will be better off than their parents.
    That's unbelievable. But what's even more discouraging is that only 16 percent — 1 in 6 — do think the next generation will be better off.
    The percentage believing the next generation will live better than their parents is a record low. As Scott Rasmussen said, people think something is going terribly wrong in America. They're not sure what it is, he said, but they sure don't like it.
    I know what's gone wrong with America — we've had four years of President Obama's bad ideas and hot air. That's why the 1,000 voters Rasmussen polled see a gloomy future everywhere they look — the economy, stocks, housing, you name it.
    And remember the American dream? Forget it. Only 32 percent think it's still possible for "just about anyone in America to work hard and get rich."
    About the only silver lining to be found in the Rasmussen poll is that 53 percent think it's still possible for anyone in America to work themselves out of poverty.
    That's a good thing to believe in, because by the time the Obama administration and his wrecking crew finish turning America into Greece, 53 percent of the country is going to be poor.
    This week the Obama re-election campaign released an ad called "We're Coming Back." It's a blatant rip-off of Ronald Reagan's 1984 "Morning in America" ad that pointed out how much stronger, prouder, and better America had become during my father's first four years.
    The Obama ad claims that we're on the road to recovery and says the president is working hard to finish the job he started. It's not supposed to be funny.
    But there's one serious problem with the Obama ad — after four years of his reign of errors, things are not getting better. And he has no new ideas, just the same bad Big Government ones he's been pushing — more taxes, more spending, and more regulation.
    When "Morning in America" ran in 1984, inflation and interest rates were half what they had been in 1980 and were going down. There were no more lines at the gas pumps and no more gloomy talk from the Oval Office about a national "malaise."
    Ronald Reagan turned the country around the right way. He lowered taxes, cut regulations, and got the government off the back of businesses and out of the way of the American people.
    After four years of my father's administration, Americans could see real signs of improvement and a hopeful future for the country. That's why RR was re-hired. After four years of President Obama, our only hope is that in November he is fired.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    1. I am better off today than I was four years ago. So are a lot of people.

    2. Who crashed the economy four years ago? The Republican administration, not Obama. Since then the economy has rebounded, especially for the well-off.

    3. Rasmussen polls are notoriously slanted towards the right. Try an objective poll like Gallup, who post the number of skeptics at 55% . . . a near-even split.

    4. Michael Reagan lies about his father. Ronald Reagan raised taxes seven of his eight years in office. He nearly tripled the federal budget deficit. After his one-year tax cut, Unemployment soared to 10.8 percent. Reagan grew the size of government tremendously. Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.
  3. TBTrumpet

    TBTrumpet Founding Member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    So am I, but it ain't because of the moron-in-chief or his economic policies.

    The Democrats controlled congress from the 2006 elections until the 2010 elections. They are just as guilty as the Republicians for this mess we are in. Go ahead and blame Bush, but also blame Polesi and Reid.... and Senator Obama.
    gyver likes this.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    the polls are not relevant. what actual policy has your hero enacted that has helped the country?

    also the republicans didnt really crash the economy, that is a wild oversimplification.
    gyver likes this.
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    let's start with the auto bailout which saved, according to conservative estimates, about a million jobs. conservatives wanted to let it tank, including Mitt Romney. next, the bailout that was passed during the first two years of the Obama administration did stabilize the economy. conservatives wanted to implement strict austerity measures and you can ask the Europeans how well austerity is working for them. I think the state of our economy versus the current state of the Euro zone tells the whole story. Obamacare, that demonic piece of legislation that gives health care to those who cannot afford it, is good public policy. conservatives have a very short memory as health care is concerned. Obamacare more closely resembles the Republican stance from the 2008 elections than what the Democrats have espoused for decades, a single payer system.

    past these, what have the Republicans let him pass since 2010? There has been legislation introduced to rebuild our infrastructure that could create hundreds of thousands of jobs but it never made it through congress.

    so let me turn this question around and ask this....what have the Republicans done to spur economic growth since 2010? They've introduced legislation to ban Sharia law, declare English as an official language, restrict access to needed female health services by trying to defund Planned Parenthood and question whether the President was born in the US. The one chance that Republicans had to push the ball forward by accepting a debt reduction deal last summer was shot down even though they were offered 3 to 1 spending cuts to tax increases. Further, Republicans have spent the past two years sucking up to Grover Norquist and his tax pledge at the expense of our entire economy.

    I agree that it took poor decisions and complacency from both sides of the aisle to get into this mess but the Republicans are essentially saying, "If we cannot fix the economy our way then we are not going to help fix the economy at all."
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    which cost taxpayers millions and hurt the economy terribly.

    they didnt want to let it tank, they wanted it manage itself. corporate welfare is bullshit. taxpayers should keep their money. special interests convince everyon that the folks they represent are too big to fail. and they use that fear to rape the taxpayers.

    it actually made the economy much worse.

    you read too much krugman. germany is run better than greece.

    it is not good public policy, it is freedom destroying bulshit.

    well sometimes republicans are stupid too.

    well, leave us alone for once. if they pass nothing at all, that would be ideal.

    good. Muslims are stupid.

    very stupid, but mostly irrelevant.

    let the dumb sluts plan their own parenthood without taxpayer money.

    again, passing no legislation at all is better than passing legislation when 99% of the legislation makes things worse.
    gyver likes this.
  7. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Who says? Reagan said nobody was better off which is bullshit.

    Don't try to rewrite history. We're talking about Presidents here. You want to try to make a Democratic congress share blame when the Republican President screws up. OK, then by your twisted. logic a Republican Congress must share responsibility for all the things you dislike about Obama since 2010.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    More relevant than your personal opinion.

    Do you ever read a newspaper? Glad you asked . . .

    1. He stepped up the war against Al Qaeda, started hitting the Pakistanis where it hurt, killed Osama bin Ladin and five other top AQ leaders, helped topple Moamar Qadaffi, and we are now hitting Al Qaeda with missiles and sir strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Yemen hard with almost no losses of American lives.

    2. He ended American participation in the high-casualty/zero results Bush boondoggle war in Iraq and is getting us out out the ongoing and endless civil war in Afghnaistan.

    3. He inherited an economy in the worst recession in 70 years and had a positive GDP in 6 months by using economic stimulus.

    4. He passed health care reform with the Affordable Health Care law.

    5. He passed Wall Street reform with the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

    6. He turned around the US Auto Industry.

    7. He reversed a sharp decline in world opinion toward the U.S. under Bush. According to Pew Research, favorable opinion increased 26%.

    8. He reoriented American military focus from the middle east to the Asia-Pacific theater where our next conflict will happen. He got tougher on Korea, stopping all aid and is confronting Chinese ambition on all fronts.

    9. He tightened sanctions and pressure on Iran with the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act, which is successfully diverting customers away from Iranian oil which is hurting them badly.

    10. He brokered swift compensation for BP oil spill victims who have already received $6.5 billion. It took 20 years for the Exxon Valdez victims to receive $1.3 billion.

    11. He inherited a job market losing 800,000 jobs a month. It is now gaining over 250,000 jobs a month and has been for a while. Unemployment has dropped from 10% to 8.1% and is still dropping. Read the chart, baby.


    A republican administration was in charge of the economy. Where does the buck stop?
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    A lie. Where are your objective metrics now? What would a collapse of GM have done to the economy? Think, for once.

    Another lie. GDP has been positive since the summer of 2009. The stimulus ended the recession. Period.

    On this we can agree.

    As I thought, all you do is ape Rush Limbaugh and ignore the facts.

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