Obama Wants To Raise Your Electric Bill

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Speedo Bandit, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    There is the bright side;

    Poor folks will be fine. Those on government assistance already will be fine. Those already not paying their power bill will be fine. The Amish will be fine. Politicians will be fine. Those with insider trading of "co2 cap credits" will be better than fine, actually pretty damn skippy. The media will be fine.

    Once I geaux after converting the sun, wind, water, and what already exist below the ground, I will be fine. That will be fine for me, my decision, my ability. I will take the excess and give it to my neighbor as opposed to the utility so they can't sell it back to the consumer. :)

    And, eff them all...
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  2. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    You mean common sense like the earth is flat, or common sense like the sun revolves around the earth? Or common sense like black men were not good enough to carry a rifle in front line combat (recently as WWII), or common sense like it was a good idea to fire employees if you found out they were HIV positive? Or...

    Common sense works in some situations, but science is not one of them. The scientific method works and is recognized for a reason. It has stood the test of time for hundreds of years, common sense has not done well for scientific issues.
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  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    whether this bill hurts folks more than warming does is not just a question about atmospheric science. it is about economics and politics and making projections about job losses and wealth loss and taxes and whether our government can actually manage a cap and trade system without corruption. and whether warming can be reversed at all, which is highly speculative, or whether the cost of the warming is worse than the cost of massive government. or whether the warming will continue because the carbon that supposedly causes it will just be emitted in other countries.

    is our economy robust enough to handle a huge tax without causing a collapse worse than the warming? or are technological advancements going to make the whole carbon issue moot anyways, or are we running out of oil such that the carbon emissions problem will solve itself?

    is it worth it to make folks pay far more for things? what if they live in maine and like warmth, they desperately need a longer growing season? the government has all this worked out? the scientists and government agents thought it through and know what is up? please.

    if you a a poor fella in china, and you have a job that counts on the american economy being robust enough to buy your products, you dont give a damn about warming. and why should you? so your kids can have earth be .06 degrees cooler in 100 years? that wont matter when they are still peasants because the economy hasnt developed.
  4. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    All good questions, and I don't have the answer. Do you?

    "is our economy robust enough to handle a huge tax without causing a collapse worse than the warming? "

    If global warming is caused by man and burning fossil fuel (and I am not saying it is), and if the warming damage in a hundred or two hundred years is very severe (and I am not saying it is, but IF it is), should we pay a carbon tax now to dis-incent people from using carbon fuels and make alternative forms of energy more cost effective, for the long term good of society?
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i oppose rash government solutions to problems. espectially massive tax increases, which is what this is. the primary problems on earth that lead to human misery are related to poverty and lack of economic development. taxes are a restrictor on development.

    there are too many unknown variables in this equation for any sort of call to action. especially given that 200 years from now the technology we have we be incredible and will be able to solve problems in ways we cant possibly imagine. 200 years ago there were not even electric lights. back then we worried about how cities could possibly get larger than a million or so because nobody had any idea how to keep the poop out of the water supply. to presume to know what we will be concerned with 200 years from now, that is lunacy.

    if sea water rises, so be it, we will adapt. if it is 2 degrees warmer, we will adapt. if some places becomes too hot to grow food, we will move to the places that previously were too cold. lets tackle problems when they are real. lets not murder our economy with huge corrupt boondoggles now.

    politicians are always desperate to find problems that they can save us from. they want us to need them. we dont always have to listen.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You can't back up this claim. How exactly are our powerplants going to be exported overseas?
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    take a position on the current bill and we will talk.
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Common sense in that you cannot throw (our) money at everything to make it go away. Is there global warming? Maybe, but Obama isn't going to change anything. Humans actually occupy an extremely minute portion of the planet. Of that minute portion, Americans inhabit an even tinier piece. The climate changes occur over 100% of the planet so does it make sense that changing the behavior of those occupying probably less than 1% of the blue marble is going to have any effect? Study the phenomenon all you want to. Debate it to death if it pleases you. But quit trying to fix something by taxing businesses and workers into oblivion on a pipe dream.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I'll talk anyway and I'll take a position when I want to. I knew that you couldn't back up your statement.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Indeed. But common sense also dictates that you can't make a problem go away by ignoring it.

    Yet our impact is all out of proportion to our footprint.

    Again, our global impact is all out of proportion to the piece of the planet that we own. LINK

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