Obama Wants To Raise Your Electric Bill

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Speedo Bandit, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. jibboo

    jibboo Founding Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Fun with Photoshop

    Using statistical methods (especially trending) for non-static sytems like climate is frought danger.

    For example: The S&P500's been (mostly) up March through June. Want to bet it continues on the same tajectory it had March-June through the end of the year?

    We cannot assume temperature will only continue to rise into the future. Trending is the wrong tool for the wrong job. Look at what happens when we examine the period from about 1880-1910. If this was 1910, we would panicing about an impending ice age...


    ... "global warming" avoided an ice age!

    A proper dynamical model is required. Dynamical models are extremely sensitive to inputs that always contain the modeler's bias in setting up the inital conditions. Back when I was modeling groundwater contaminant transport I could justify and tweek the initial conditions and a host of assumed but unverifiable parameters to have almost whatever outcome I wanted. Those are the same numeric methods used for climate modeling. I don't have any experience with climate models but I'd be surprised if they could not be influenced similarly.

    I do know this. Water vapour can hold, transfer, and transport a lot more heat than CO2. I've never heard a good explaination of how the heat transfer effects of single-phase CO2 can overcome the self-dampening effect of two-phase water vapour in our atmosphere. Changing phases moves a looot of heat. Something that CO2 will never be able to do.

  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Re: Fun with Photoshop

    that was a stunningly good post.
  3. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Re: Fun with Photoshop

    You're more right than you know, since you chose a 30-year window to look at. Because it wasn't much more than 30 years ago that some scientists were predicting the onset of another ice age. Now they've all reversed themselves and are screaming about "global warming."

    This is why I rarely get excited about anything scientists say. Bottom line is, if a scientist is not arguing for or against a generally held belief, he's not being a scientist. This is what they do. The day all scientists shut up is the day you can assume they've finally got it right.
  4. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I'm sober now and I'll be damned if can see where you get all that from that
    little ole graph.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    One projection stated that it was using the rate over the entire 160 years of the graph. The higher projection was stated using the last 100 years of the draft which rises at a higher rate. It's a steepening curve.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I know.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Re: Fun with Photoshop

    It certainly can be, but that does not invalidate trend analysis if properly applied and interpreted. Non-static system it may be, but it is not without trends and tendencies.

    Projections are not intended to foretell the future, but to provide the best probabilities based on existing data. Sample size is always an issue. This is why it is unwise to make long projections based on short term data.

    I'm not a climatologist, but there are certainly well-documented climatological models out there to be considered. Why would they have any more modelers bias than is inherent in any proper model?
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Re: Fun with Photoshop

    In the context of Mother Earth, 200 years is but a millisecond. I continue to maintain that your graph (and all of the other gobbledygook you link to) tells
    us nothing except what they want it to tell us. There are just as many opposing views out there backed up by scientific analyses. Believe what you will, but it's futile to try and change the minds of people with common sense and a pragmatic view of things.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Re: Fun with Photoshop

    I'm sorry that you don't understand the data, but you are the one that tried to make an issue of the graph. I had let it go.

    No, there are not. I've established this many times in many threads. It just something you like to believe.

    Not at all, those people are open to ideas and will consider the evidence. What is futile is trying to get dogmatic ideologues to back their claims and beliefs with some evidence.
  10. jibboo

    jibboo Founding Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    No. You cannot examine a system containing feedback with trends. To do so linerizes a non-linear system. That's valid but only upon a small time domain. Any dynamic system will respond to perturbations. Action causes reaction. The "anomoly" allegedly happening over the last 30 years will have a response. That response will not be linear, I am certain.

    But if you wish... let's examine the trend. The earth's been warming since the last ice age. What is the "base" (0-anamoly) value for the chart you posted? We could put the base at the end of last ice age. "Cold" was normal then. The current "anomoly" would be on the order of 10's of degrees. The 0.4-deg supposedly man-made "anomoly" displayed on that chart wouldn't even stand out. It's not significant. And the majority of "anomoly" would have started long before man was producing CO2 in appreciable amounts.

    Huh? What is a "projection" then? How can you justify government seizure of private property (taxation) due to "global warming" that you cannot "foretell" of? I expect a higher standard when someone's taking money from my family.

    They don't have any more. They don't have any less either. The propensity is to believe the results that match your dogma.

    I walked out of the "global warming" camp when I asked one modeler what effect water vapour had on his model. He said it wasn't significant. I asked if he'd ever looked at a psychrometric chart. He responded "what's that?" I also asked him if he could sketch the heat flows in/out of his elemental control volume used for his model. "What's that?" He made some purty graphs though.

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