But waving them in the air is an act of bipartisanship? Come on, he has thrown the republican administration under the bus since he got into office. Not saying it's any different than anyone else has done. It's very much the same. Thanks for the civics lesson. I understand the quote, but it also doesn't get done by showing up the other party's last administration. And I'm not shamed to admit I had to look up intransigent. It means uncompromising/inflexible. Thanks, I learned something. No doubt about it. And how is Louis Caldera, the underling who made such a big mistake doing. Still kicking up his heels on a desk in the white house. The buck stops with the president it always does. And not even firing the guy over this is terrible. Do you think Obama should fire him? And why do you go back to Bush every time someone questions Obama? Is it because your philosophy is Obama is not as bad so that's good enough? We're not talking about past presidents, past underlings, past issues. Quit living in the past. We're talking about the here and now. Dang, you got me there, don't know what I was thinking. Although really, you only addressed two issues. One feebly and the other by passing the buck. You and I both know he's in for eight. It's a lock. Doesn't mean we can't scream about the path he's taking us down in the process. I'm sure Bobby will be able to sort it out in 2016.
I called for his firing on day one. Did you miss the thread? Not everytime, only when contrast is needed. The nits you're picking on Obama are quite small compared to those of the Ones-Who-Must-Not-Be-Blamed. Sure you can scream, amigo. Hell, I screamed enough during the last 7 years. But someone is going to argue with ya'. It's why we come here. :wink: I've about decided that Jindal doesn't have the stuff. He's smart and ambitious enough, but he is an ideologue, not a pragmatist.
Not really. In fact, Obama has been the target of some pretty outrageous campaigns by the right ever since he took office. He's constantly accused of being everything from socialist to Stalin to Hitler, and all points in between. But rather than wasting his time refuting those infantile claims, all he's done is reiterate that he simply won't continue the failed policies of the past 8 years. As he alluded to in his 100 days press conference, people seem to think that somehow means that he's not bipartisan. It's like they wouldn't agree to call him bipartisan unless he began vetoing his own bills.:insane: I have to take issue with this. The media keeps trying their damndest to get him to do just that, but he steadfastly refuses. In his most recent press conference, one reporter got him to admit that waterboarding was torture, but Barack asbolutely would not answer the original question of 'Do you think the previous administration sanctioned torture?' It's actually been somewhat remarkable (and disappointing to me) how he avoids showing up Bush. Just because he's taking strides to correct Bush's policies doesn't mean he's 'showing him up.' You brought up Bush, too. And why do people always insist that Bush not be brought up? Are they really that ashamed of him? We're not talking about a late relative or an ex-wife. We're talking about a guy who was still president just over 100 days ago, whose policies precipitated many of the difficulties that Obama has been tasked with fixing, and who is largely responsible for the irrelevance of his own party. The 'here and now' has a lot to do with what happened yesterday. No one hit the reset button on January 20th. As someone who voted for and supported Bobby Jindal, I can tell you that if he keeps going down his current path, a presidential bid in 2016 will be the last thing on his mind.
No I caught it. Just goes back to the first point of no fiscal responsibility and no accountability for your actions. How in the world does that guy still have his job, that has to irritate you, right? I understand but you don't have to point out Bush's faults to me. i know them very well and agree about a lot of them. Agreed He appeals to true conservatives, he will run by 2020 and I will be surprised if he is not one day president.
Alright, this is the last hijack in this thread, we can continue it elsewhere. Stop using the government as a checking account for pet projects and as a bankruptcy court and you won't be accused of being a socialist. By the way, I think it's hilarious when people use that emoticon. Makes me laugh every time. You're kidding right? So why did he release info on interrogations and openly discuss criminal investigations of the last administration. Give me a break. This statement is absurd. Not quite. I was responding to Red's point on Bush. That's not the point. The point is every time we talk about the job BO is doing, someone seems to start comparing him to bush. Why don't we just have open discussion about the job he is doing. What does comparing him to any other president do? Bush, Clinton, Reagan, anyone? Whatever. I notice no one will refute the spending bill or the bankruptcy but want to hammer me for saying BO is partisan. His partisanship is peanuts compared to this Chrysler stuff. I don't understand why you guys can't see how dangerous this is. Like I said, I'm done hijacking, I'm sure we'll discuss this more elsewhere.
lol your upset with irresponsible spending, on what? A stimulus package passed to create jobs and stimulate the economy. But your not upset about irresponsible war spending and the other corporate welfare that took place. Things have to change, regulation has to happen, we have had a runaway system for the last 8 years, in spending, policy, and partisan nitpicking. Just because you dont like what he is doing, doesnt mean it isnt right or it wont help. It just means that you dont agree with it. After doing it the conservative way for the last 8 years, I'll wait and see what happens before I condemn the guy, your life hasnt changed over the last 4 months because of these proposals most that havent been passed through legislation. I guess your idea of stimulating the econonmy would have been tax cuts that failed the pass 8 years because the deficit was increased by a record amount by a conservative administration. Who cuts taxes during war time and gave coporations 700 billion, where was your socialist accusations then? Did you call Bush and Paulson socialist?. Like I said Give me a break. Fake outrage. Run around with your hair on fire if you want to, I wouldnt spit on it. You want to blame someone, blame your party for giving this nation Obama. Now I dont want to continue arguing with you because I think you are smart guy and I like you. But sheez, we can agree to disagree.
Irritate me? Naaa. This ain't something to get ulcers about. He's history anyway. I think Obama wants to give him due process (there is an investigation going on) and . . . . maybe some time to consider resigning.