If I were to give you a million dollars... And you had to guess whether I was being serious or not. Which would you pick?
That's correct, but here's an interesting note. Many Republicans are NOT voting in the Republican primary, but ARE voting in the Democratic one. They ask voters which ballot they want when they walk in the door--it doesn't matter if you're registered Republican or Democrat. Some Republicans back Clinton, while others back Obama. They are blitzing Texas, while the Republicans have ignored us, and Texans' egos like to be stroked. McCain is NOT popular in Texas, by the way.
Good point, but I want to add that Clinton needs 65% wins in Texas, Ohio, Pennslyvania, and Rhode Island She wont get that in Texas, Rhode Island, and Pennslyvania. Obama just needs 43% of these states to win the nomination.
Clinton won't win any state from here on out with 65 percent of the vote. So unless she steals the election by getting Florida and Michigan to be counted and get nearly 2/3 of the Superdelegate vote, Obama will be the nomination. The dems can't let Clinton win at this point, it would be a farce and ruin their chance at getting in the white house as African Americans would revolt by not showing up at the ballot box in November.
And word is she will bow out if that happens, to make herself look like a team player and get her a nice cabinet position (Secretary of State?).
Which I do agree with, I dont know if I would stay home, i would consider it though. However, if she was to win the nomination outright without all of the smear and fear she is doing now. I would vote for her, just to back my party.
actually this is what im hoping for. go third party! (dont take this to mean that im gonna vote for ru paul.)