Cheney was and is the least bi-partisan politician who ever lived. He has said himself that they used the support garnered from 911 to ramrod policy that would have never passed before, and not just national security issues. I love the cry for bipartisanship now that the neo-cons are in the minority. Were you crying for bipartisanship when the repubs were in power?
that is awesome. compromise is for chumps. cheney may be the most honest guy who ever held a prominent national office. love that guy.
just because you like his politcs doesn't make him honest, kemosabe. He's a politican, I don't think there's an honest one out there.
i am aware. remember when there was a VP debate between cheney and john edwards? never have two politicians been more perfectly opposed in style and demeanor. one sleazy and handsome and dishonest and pandering, the other mean and angry and honest and uncompromising. it is a miracle he ever got into office. i dont even think he wanted to be a politician. dick cheney is awesome.
Me? All you do is listen to FOX and then you think you are "educated". :insane: Well, I read every one of your links and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM offered any evidence of "self-avowed commies and radical America haters" in the White House. Three of them didn't even mention the word communist, none of them mentioned America haters. One of these was a blog that had someone named "PHIL KERPEN, AFP Policy Director" who accused an Obama appointee of being a communist, but he provided no evidence. Phil Kerpen is an economic policy analyst in Washington, D.C. and a publisher of high school and college policy debate websites. The AFP is a conservative advocacy group. Now, someone with your impressive USL education knows that "Self-avowed" means that "they said it themselves". So, once again, Show me where one of these czars has "avowed" that he is a communist and radical America hater. Or you can admit that you made it up.
Real awesome patriotic american when he was asking for 5 defferments to avoid the draft. real awesome the way he headed up the leaked classified CIA documents scandal for political expediency. I do agree with you on one point, it is a miracle he ever got into office. But not for the same reasons you do. And where was all this concern for goverment run amok that I see with all my conservative freinds when he was on his unabashed executive power grab?
Left wing sources and mainstream media are hardly all over this story. obamas "green jobs" czar,A CONVICTED FELON & SELF AVOWED COMMUNIST,once served on board with terror founder who fled prosecution & was top director of activist group- is this the change and transparency you envisioned?
nothing wrong with deferments, unless you lamblasted Clinton for not serving (which Cheney did in a Newsweek article) that kind of makes you a hypocrite in my book. and I hardly hate republicans. I'm what I consider a blue dog democrat, I voted for and admired Reagen, (all though I wish he would have controlled govt. spending better), voted for Bush 1 the first time, voted for and am pretty pleased with Jindal, and others. But sense a lot of pot calling the kettle black with the neo-cons now that they're in the minority. For example, now it's patriotic to protest the president, now we should be bipartisan, when the conservative definition of bi-partisanship is to do things their way, or else.