Will we get hit by Al Qaida again? Almost certainly, because we have failed to destroy them in Pakistan. Are we in danger of every muslim in the world coming here to kill us? Nope. Never were, never will be. There are 7 million muslims living here now! Why haven't they tried to kill us? Whether or not we are mired in Iraq WILL NOT change this a bit. Being mired in Iraq WILL prevent us from being prepared to face real traditional enemies like Rusia, China, and North Korea. Russia is backsliding big time and the Chinese are convinced that they are now a rival superpower. THIS is the danger that could threaten America. The muslims are a loud, annoying sideshow. Do not be deceived. 9/11 was Al Qaida's best shot. It enraged and embarrassed us, but it didn't come close to endangering America. Osama thought bringing down the WTC would collapse America's economy. What a laugh! A few bombs here and there won't do it either. They are a small bunch of criminals that still need to be eliminated. But they are not the great threat to America that this administration uses to justify its blunder in occupying Iraq.
Fair enough, I will try to check these books out, but I admit, on the surface it seems like an evangelical Christian mission, rather than a true muslim viewpoint.
It's both. I'd be lying if I said it isn't an evangelical Christian mission. But it is most certainly a true Muslim viewpoint as well.
Oh, and Red, let me just say one more thing about all this. Don't mistake my arguments in this thread as me thinking there have been no mistakes in Iraq. I'm not a fool, and I know there have been mistakes made. I just think the cost of abandoning the war on Islamic terrorists is far too high, and I believe the fact that we are in the region, even though we're there making some mistakes, keeps the threat down, and may lead to eventual victory. For all the Bush bashing that goes on, and I can't even say I disagree with all of it, people have to admit that he said from the get go that it would be long and drawn out, and it would be ugly. War sure was a lot easier when there weren't 1000 TV cameras capturing every mistake! That wasn't the case until Vietnam, and I'd be willing to bet the previous wars had there share of mistakes, too.
My philosophy is to hope for the best but fear the worst. In the days right after 9/11, most people felt the same as me, but as time went on they settled into their own little piece of the planet and forgot what it was to worry about attacks on Americans. There are literally millions of muslims who hate us and our way of life and enough radical leaders to incite many to do Allah's bidding. As I said earlier, they are patient and are willing to bide their time. Right now, they want Bush out of there. I'm very cautious. If you choose to rail against the current Administration and it's foreign policy, that's your perogative. I'm just watching and waiting. .