Obama Revealed: A Moderate Republican--The Washington Post

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Cajun Sensation, Apr 26, 2011.


    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    The Border Patrol has been beefed up under every president during your lifetime. Does that mean every president has truly addressed the "border problem"? I think you know the answer.

    Forget Reagan...the largest increase was realized under the Bush administration. Most of the Border Patrol Agents hired during Obama's tenure were approved/recruited/vetted/hired/etc. while Bush was in office. I researched and found that the Border Patrol is not currently hiring new agents and are only filling vacancies due to attrition.

    I guess replacing a single agent due to attrition can be spun into "border security". Good luck with that one.

    Triple fencing, etc. can be effective to slow people down or persuade them to try elsewhere but no enforcement effort will stem the desire to come to America or for employers to want cheap labor. Until Congress (both parties) unite and do what 80+% of the American people want them to do...the problem will exist. Politicians talk a good talk but really don't want to resolve this issue.

    They talk enforcement when what they really want is regulation. They want just enough (aliens0 to get in to satisfy the big businesses (aka: donors) and appease Hispanic voters.

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