Obama Revealed: A Moderate Republican--The Washington Post

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Cajun Sensation, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    cap and trade and raising taxes and health care, the three things in the article, each one of them is as liberal as can be! and george bush opposed all of them, like the hero he is. look it is fun to say the parties are the same. and thy are both terrible, but here we have 3 clear issues where bush is right, literally and figuratively, and obama is a big government liberal.

    if the fact that bush's oppositio nto those things makes him a crazy right winger by your estimation, then i think you need to reconsider how powerful the government should be, how much of a role they should play in your lives.
    1 person likes this.
  2. TBTrumpet

    TBTrumpet Founding Member

    Label him whatever you want, he's still just a fool...... him and the overwhelming majority of politicians in washington.
  3. Bud Lee

    Bud Lee Call me buttercup

    Pretty sure those were considered liberal policies in the 90's, however I was thinking more about who I could stick my peen in than I was about politics in the 90’s. So you may be right
  4. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    while i dont think obama is a moderate pub, i thought this move was interesting, especially since it is one that looks like it will have broad bi-partisan support.

    Obama seeking Congress OK for FBI chief to stay - Yahoo! News
  5. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Sounds like Meuller caught Barry in the sack with Valerie.
  6. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    Obama is not fiscally conservative peorid.
  7. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    RW, since you are fairly new here I will let you know how it works.

    See it doesn't matter what "HE" is, it matters what he is compared to the last guy. Because dubya did it, that makes it all well and good.
  8. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    "w" spent too much money. He had control of congress and could have shrunk government by transfering power back to the states. I admire bush's patriotism and his leadership in keeping America from suffering another attack. I think he passed up an oppertunity to get our debt under control. Clinton left with a surplus and it was a prime oppertunity to attack the national debt. I do not want another republican like "w". Bush's failure allowed the dems to take congress and eventually caused this trainwreck of an administration to take over. Obama and the progressive disaster is a direct response to bush's failure. I do not think he was nearly as bad a president as people say he was. I would vote for him over Obama today. He was a sincere man and loved this country. What I think we need is a person that will bring this country's way of thinking back to before the wilson/ fdr progressive era grew the power of the federal government. Let states handle healthcare, education and housing issues the way they see fit. We need no HUD, doe, ag dept and many others. Let the states handle it's problems without federal level politicans being involved. Taxes are the ultimate problem with corruption in America. A simple tax system is needed. Something like less than 50k you pay 10% ,50 to 100k pay 15%, 100to500k pays 20% ,500k to 2million30% and above 2million 40%. No deductions. No credits. No bullshyt. No long form or itemized deductions. Straight up easy tax system. No refunds. Business pays 35% with no deductions at all either. Until you get taxes out of politics we will not get anywhere and will go bankrupt. We need a leader. We have no leader only politicans that want to buy votes with tax money.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Which he did, the only way to pay down the debt is by posting surpluses. Which the Republicans killed by cutting taxes. It was supposed to be temporary to stimulate the economy. Well, that failed, the economy crashed and now they wan the temporary cuts to be made permanent. They lied. They lie a lot.

    They are all like Dubya.

    It was the Republican's failure. It is completely disingenuous to suggest that "Bush" is not like the "Republicans". I don't blame you for wanting to distance yourself from the collosal republican failures of recent memory, but Americans are not stupid and we are not fooled.

    He is a very likeable fellow, sincere and loves dogs and apple pie. But he was an incomptent President.

    That is completely insane. :insane:

    Why? Why is it better to have 50 different governments to deal with than one. Why? Do you have any rational reason for this? I want to hear it.

    You want states enacting tariffs between each other? Interstate highways that turn into dirt roads at the South Dakota line? You want states to start putting up gates at state lines and demanding ID and a visa?

    That sounds great to me. But the Republicans are never going to allow it. Are you sure you are a republican?

    Careful. That's what they thought in Germany during the financial crisis of the 1920's. What they needed was a leader . . . well they got one.

    No, we've got a good system where we change out the leaders regularly. What we need is a better tax code and more real political parties to end this polarization.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    You see the last guys meant well, they they were mere mortals. The new guys are superheroes.


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