it has absolutely nothing to do with this. it is all because the economy crashed. if the house of cards had stayed up another year, the HC legislation would be a done deal.
Amigo, people who are seeing socialists behind every tree are starting to sound as loony as the Birthers and the Montana militias. :insane:
Forced juxtapositions and hyperbole are good tactics Red. But the truth hurts. The healthcare buffoonery alone qualifies. Add in government desire to control banking, government bailout of failing businesses, etc. You can close your eyes, but the tree is still falling in the forest, to wrap in your hyperbole.
Hurt's you maybe. It doesn't hurt me. Uhh . . . OK, a rolling stone is worth two in the bush. The banking bailout and the business bailouts were something a democratic government did to avert economic disaster and it was bi-partisan and started under your God, George Bush. Both are temporary, the government is being paid back already, and the banks and businesses will retain private ownership. This is capitalism at its best and government at its best cooperating to avoid disaster. It doesn't even remotely resemble communism. Nothing has happened to the Constitution at all. Neither does the health plan resemble communism. It is a democratic system at work. Elected representatives are doing the bidding of the citizens. Parties are negotiating positions, votes are being taken, compromises being sought. This is not collective ownership at all. Private business is going to be all over it just as they are in Medicare and in the Bush Prescription Drug Plan. No, "socialism" and "communism" are buzz words tossed around carelessly and repeated ad nauseum by the right wing to describe everything that the democrats do. People pay less and less attention as they have noticed that dread communism never actually appears. The raving of the "socialism fearmongers" grows increasingly shrill but just makes them look looney.
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury." — attributed to Alexander Tytler (1747-1813) Scottish lawyer and writer; now considered apocryphal.
Democratic governments can be Socialist. We're witnessing that as we speak. It's funny how you get personal when I talk in general. I didn't vote for President Bush. Now that he's not my Commander-in-Chief, I can say I didn't have much faith in him personally. Wanna tell me how you arrive at the conclusion that he's my god? Is it because I don't join in on the mindless trashing of everything he did just because it doesn't fit the Liberal narrative? Well, I'm also not joining in on the indescriminate bashing of President Obama. I'm just calmly pointing out what many don't want to hear. Facts are facts. Obama has surrounded himself with Socialists, he was trained in political thought by a Socialist/Anarchist, and his first big acts as a President have their basis in Socialist theory (the good of the masses out weighs the rights of the individual). By the way, you're far less effective in your tactics when you get personal, brother. How is government intervention in business affairs an example of Capitalism? The government is wielding huge amounts of influence in private enterprise, including dictating who can be hired/fired and how much they should be paid. The government is also propping up unprofitable and highly inefficient business models for political purposes. That screams Socialism to anyone who understands and has read Marx and Engels, which would be a very good thing to be reading right now for most Americans. Cooperating? C'mon, Red. The government is controlling. Coercing. And in some cases, colluding to disrupt the natural order of things by allowing incompetent and unethical companies to continue to exist, all in the name of votes. As for disaster - we were nowhere near a "disaster". Unless you consider paying the price for stupid decisions a disaster. At most, people (private citizens and businesses) who made stupid, risky decisions would have had to live with those decisions. Some other folks would've paid some price as well and had to tighten their belts a bit. In the end, the poison leaves the body, and we're all healthier on the other side. Socialism. Marxism. I didn't say Obama is a Communist. I said he was a Socialist. I'm assuming you understand the difference and just misread what I wrote. The word Communism is in the quote because in Marxist theory, Socialism leads to Communism. I have never called Obama a Communist. Because I believe he believes in Socialist Democracy. Doesn't have to. If a Democracy decides to elect Socialists, then you get a Socialist economy in a democratic system. Nothing in the Constitution forbids Socialism, per se. The problem is - there's no way for Socialism to survive in a Democracy, because eventually the people get wise and the government has to take away personal liberties in order to keep Socialist policies in place. But I'm not predicting it will ever get that far. The visceral reaction mounting outside of the Liberal enclaves is proof that this is all going to come to an end in less than one term. I would'nt have thought so. But it's clearly happening. See previous clarification/reminder. A majority of Americans do not want government run health care. The elected representatives that don't live in strongly Liberal districts are about to understand what the bidding of the citizens really is. You're stuck on Communism. Obama and his followers are Socialists. I believe I've covered that in detail. By the way, I don't support the Bush drug plan either. Socialism won't mean the end of private business. It means the coopting and corruption of private business with public agenda and ridiculous regulation and taxation. Even more corrupting than the current and regrettable lobbyist culture in Washington. A lot more. And a lot less democratic, since money is freedom of speech, but political control is no freedom at all. What is interesting to me is that there is no cogent defense for the Obama Socialist agenda except dismissal. And that will be very dangerous for the Liberal agenda. Because Americans understand liberty, even moderately Liberal Americans. When the government starts impacting ACTUAL individual liberty through the Obama agenda of forced healthcare options, higher taxation, and government intervention in private businesses, the public understands what's happening without needing to have it explained. You can keep misquoting me and diverting the argument all you want. It's a good tactic. Sometimes, it works.