You miss the point again. The comparison is to Bush seven years to handle this problem versus Obama's 10 months.
If you think I'm being led by anything except my own conclusions based on my own reasoning then you haven't paid much attention. I supported Clinton. I voted for Obama because he was not McCain/Palin. I wouldn't dream of it . . .
Bush isn't capable of handling the situation in 100 years, again like I said, bad comparison. However Obama had all the answers during his campaign. What happened the dog ate his homework?
What exactly are you talking about? Well he did send two more combat brigades and he increased the number of missile strikes in Pakistan. He also promised to wrap up in Iraq and focus on Afghanistan and he is doing exactly that. List for me the promises that he made that he has broken.
Maybe they should read and understand the bill BEFORE they vote on it. Maybe they should allow the people to read and understand it BEFORE they vote on it. Why are they in such a hurry? We've been waiting this long. What are they afraid we'll find out about this bill? What kind of HUGE power grab is in this bill? Why rush such a huge entitlement through when everyone knows it will never be undone (see Social Security et al)? Or is this just another huge socialistic, New Deal power grab?
I never said he broke any promises. What I said is that he has done nothing. Despite all his rhetoric of how Bush was doing all the wrong things and that would fix everything he has actually accomplished nothing. He also has shown the world that he has no clue. 10 months in and he can't even agree on a plan with all his experts. Hope and change has quickly turned into the same old sh!t, play political games and accomplish nothing. We are no closer to finding a solution in either Iraq or Afghanistan than we were under Bush.
The only reason that I can imagine is that it was such a huge campaign promise that he felt that he had to act immediately. Hillary could have warned him about trying to pass a comprehensive Health plan too quickly. He probably wanted to act while the had the political capital from the recent election, too. Also its something that will take time to get done and he can't wait until hi stem is almost up. But when the economy tanked and made the bailouts and stimulus necessary on top of the war costs, he should have delayed the health plan. Then he should have started by cutting the fraud and waste in Medicare first to demonstrate that the plan can work better than Medicare.
He has already sent two brigades! He has stepped up missile attacks! He has shifted the military focus from Iraq to Afghnaistan! That is not "nothing". Watch and learn. He can't solve a 7-year-old problem overnight. And if he did, you'd complain about that, too.
Or. Obama knows that the country has no stomach for Socialism, so he's trying to get something done while he has both houses of Congress and his star power still means something. What he and his handlers miscalculated was just how fast the country would realize he's actually a Socialist, and not just because right wing radio personalities say so. But because he's pushing a Socialist agenda. Jig is up. Better hurry. 2010 and the nuveau-Marxist party is over.