The self-admitted C-student George Bush had seven years to finish Afghnaistan, you know, and he never managed it. The Magna cum Laude Obama does the difficult immediately, the impossible takes a while longer.
If that puts me over the wacko line, put me down as proud to be there. More Americans should have balls enough to join me.
You keep using comparisons to Bush to make Obama look smarter. Like I've posted several times, using Bush as a measuring stick is not a way to make Obama look smart. When and if Obama ever does something to eclipse Bush, hopefully the far left nut jobs will have the guts to raise the bar a little higher. Especially since they were so dissatisfied with the job Bush did. So far Obama hasn't shown the ability to get over the bar with it laying flat on the ground. But you lefties keep telling us how great he is so I sit here waiting for him to part the Red Sea and cure the worlds problems.opcorn:
perhaps, but whats that have to do with rushing it through? thats the problem, you should use your intellect, not your machismo.
You voted for Obama just like a good little sheep would, being led by the nose by the liberal media. Don't tell me about intellect. I call em like I see em. Most of you far left extremists screamed bloody murder when Bush flushed the country down the toilet. Now when someone criticizes the chosen one they are whack jobs. Maybe you should use your intellect to think for yourself instead of being a Pelosi sock puppet.:grin::thumb:
No, when someone calls him a muslim they are a whack job. see, this is where you should use that intellect. there is plenty he deserves criticism about. and i didnt vote for pelosi.