Everyone on the planet can see that there is a problem. You expect the President of the United States to do something about it. I'm no Obama fan and definitely not a bleeding heart liberal, but I agree the decision to place troops in that region was very bad. However now that we are there you can just stick your head in the sand and pretend the problem doesn't exist or spend all your time blaming the problem on someone else. I agree, Bush was an idiot, he put us in a very bad situation. Ok mister genius President, Messiah, savior of the world what are YOU going to do about it? Oh and by the way, while you play political games and do nothing our troops are dying on the battle field. So just take your time and be very casual about it, no big deal, after all it's GW's problem.:dis:
We either need to get in or get out. Leaving an army that is too small to fight the battle is not a viable option. My problem with Obama here is that he won't make a decision. The request came in a month ago and during that time we have too few troops on the ground. We need to make a decision. Me personally? I don't konw much about it but I really don't know who we're fighting over there and what the consequences are to leaving the war. Put a gun to my head and I say let's go home, but i don't know.
His skin color has nothing to do with it, but if you want to go their we can, so bring it. You cant get past it either.
So why hasn't the chosen one made that simple decision. After all isn't that one of the big reasons his followers flocked to him? He would certainly be making his far left friends and supporters happy so why can't he make a decision? Isn't he much smarter than Bush? Isn't this guy the answer to everyone's prayers? Why can't the genius make an intelligent command decision?
He hasn't made a decision b/c the Democrats are no different than the Republicans now and days. Nobody wants to stick their neck out for what is right. Politicians rule this land. And that is sad. Not to mention the thought of Pre-Emptive or Preventative War is Un-American. I think everyone should watch and learn: Ron Paul: Why Are We In Afghanistan? | Ron Paul .com