I just know we have gone at each other more than once and you seem to be heavily entrenched into the value/beliefs of what would be a full blown liberal. Just saying..... walks like a duck.....
Any party can get $hit done. They just have to do it. In the present case, Obama is trying to appease the left so nothing gets done. The moderates have no say.
Not true in the least. :dis: The blue dog democrats are having their way with the health bill and Obama is bowing and scraping. He pissed off the extreme left by having no interest in prosecuting some of the felons in the last administration--he's letting the past stay there. He did not precipitously pull out of Iraq to appease the far left, he was pragmatic to appease the moderates. Obama sent 24,000 extra troops to Afghanistan and is sending another 30,000 over the objection of the far left. These are facts you should have known. FOXnews is making you dim.
in the middle meaning what? what kinda **** do you want done? the less done the better. the more gridlock the better.
In that case anyone who receives any kind of benefit from the government should not be allowed to vote. Whoops. That is everybody.
Yep. Healthcare i can deal with, bailouts i can deal with, this is where i draw the line, especially when the campaign was 90% about trashing the previous administration (which deserved to be trashed, don't get me wrong) when it came to the war in Iraq and the money wasted there. Official: Afghan buildup involves 30,000 troops - Yahoo! News
You said Obama is keeping troops in Iraq because it is pragmatic or prudent or whatever buzzword you are using this week. If that makes him pragmatic or wise it also makes him a liar based on the promises he made. It is ok to call him a liar. He very clearly is one. You can still blindly follow him.