Exactly, we are getting to the point in this country to where more people will depend on government for some kind of subsidy or have a connection to government. Obama and the Libs want to get healthcare pushed through so that more people will vote for them because they will be more dependent on the government and less dependent on themselves. Education system, Unions, teaching kids leftist politics and not enough basics. The only unions growing in this country are in government. Its pretty hard for those workers to vote or send money to the other side. There is no doubt that when you look at the overall picture the future isn't very pretty. Conservatives could indeed be added to the endangered species list in the future.
please sdman, do us all a favor and turn off the talk radio. there are many good reasons to disagree with Obama and the Dems, but one of them is not because they are secretly run by Dr Evil
Maybe you should turn on the talk radio. It takes away the vaseline so you can tell when you're getting phucked.
i listen, at least as long as i can stomach it. how else am i supposed to know where half the country is getting their ideals from? it should be insulting to decent, intelligent americans. i have heard many valid arguments from hannity, rush, ingraham, etc. the problem is they never consider alternatives and always consider their side as fact. and they are not stupid. it is manipulation and pandering.
No doubt. In fact, I can't think of a single TV or radio "show" that doesn't use editorial policy to tailor a very specific message to a very specific audience that wants to hear that message. They normally have their facts correct (with a few exceptions like Dan Rather's memo "error"), but they purposefully edit out the stuff that would otherwise provide balance to their narrative. Other than the Economist and Christian Science Monitor (on some issues), there aren't really many print media outlets I trust either.
I watch Beck and O'Reilly. I listen to country music on satellite radio. No talk shows. Ever. I don't need to hear the "other side". It's the same crap, only their view, not mine.
What the hell? I don't listen to talk radio and I don't need it to form my opinion any more than I need to listen to LSU radio to know that Les Miles can't manage the game clock. Hint, I don't live in Louisiana. It doesn't take a genius to realize that the only time Republicans get elected at least for president is because the Democrats have screwed things up to badly. It also doesn't take someone on the radio to tell you that most people who receive handouts tend to vote for the same people who give them their handouts. The healthcare fiasco and Amnesty will also help make it impossible to defeat your side. Its not very hard to see that your side has the cards stacked in every form of government, Judiciary, Executive and Legislative. You should be happy, your side will run the country through Tyranny and brainwashing of unsuspecting Americans. Hope I'm wrong btw