As I said, I have a problem with ANYONE having an affair regardless of their political affiliation. Vitter was not only wrong but hypocritical due to his stance on the issue. I rank crime, immorality, conduct, etc. based on my views. Although I think all of these are wrong, I also have MY OWN rating system for the severity. Based on that, here's MY opinion. #3 Senator Vitter having an affair after condemning the behavior. #2 So-called "Reverend" Jackson having an affair which resulted in a birth. #1 The President of the United States having an affair in the Oval Office and then LYING UNDER OATH. Once again, I find them all wrong but find #1 to be the most disturbing. You can claim it's because I'm not a Democrat but there's more to it than that. If that's what satisfies you, convince yourself however you choose. I voted for Clinton but realized early on that he was a liar. He proved it under oath and I consider that action to rank along side Nixon for the most embarassing actions ever by a U.S. President.
Vitter didnt just have an affair, please call it what it was which is worst than Clinton and Jackson. Vitter has been linked to 2 prostitution rings as a regular client. Also was rumored to be in a diaper during one of the episodes. Since you wont call it what it really was.
Clinton lying under oath is unforgivable. Congress spending over 70 million taxpayer dollars to find out Clinton got blown by and played hide the cigar with an intern, just as unforgivable. Not one of our goverments finest hours
i didnt feel like the american people were stabbed in the back when clinton stabbed monica lewinsky in the mouth. i felt stabbed in the back when he pushed nafta through, but not the adultery, hell hillary should have been doing her first lady duties maybe that wouldnt have happened.
People's private sex lives should be of no concern to anyone else. Unless it is something like those two NFL cheerleaders who were dyking it out in the bathroom of a crowded club. Then I want to know.
M/M...I lined it out in detail on how I consider the severity of three immoral acts. I guess you won't be happy unless I call Vitter the anti-Christ and say that Clinton and Jackson are good little boys who were unfairly treated. Government workers rarely are fired for mistakes but you can bet they get nailed when they LIE UNDER OATH. Had Clinton told the truth, I would move him from #1 to #3 on my list. The fact is he DID LIE, therefore he's at the top of MY list. I don't care if you run Vitter out of office. Take little Mary out too. I see nothing more to your comment than your normal partisan politics. At least I admit Vitter was wrong. Too bad you can't do the same with Clinton.
If there is a law against breaching the public trust, then they should all be impeached. Otherwise, it has very little to do with the job he was elected to do. I agree wholeheartedly and I cringed when the GOP went after him for the sexual deviency rather than the lying under oath because there's not many souls in DC who can point an innocent finger when it comes to keeping it in their pants. Get caught?
You of all people call me partisan, what a joke for that to even come out of your mouth. Ive said Clinton was wrong many times before, but I dont have to prove that to you. I dont care what you lined out, you said the guy had an affair, you gave him a pass. You didnt line out what he really did and maybe still doing. As usual you stick to your schitck.