The president of the US having sex with an intern in the oval office has to be some type of breach of the public trust.
Having sex in the Oval Office with an intern was wrong and was an embarassment to the Office of the President. Even so, that wasn't the worst part. Having tax payer paid protection assiting and covering for the President's affair was wrong but still not the worst part. Lying UNDER OATH is what should have cost Clinton the remainder of his term. That was the worst part. As wrong as affairs are to my personal beliefs, I may have been able to somewhat forgive Slick Willy for two reasons. 1) He's married to Hillary; 2) He was getting advice from the Pimp Daddy "Rev." Jesse Jackson. I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who don't come clean after they get caught doing something wrong. It's always someone else's fault.
That is the kind of casual generalization that adds to the misperceptions. No one says we have destroyed the world in a few decades. They say that humans have adversely impacted the natural systems over the last few millenia, and alarmingly so in the last two centuries. Convincing them politically is the only issue. The scientific case has been made. The experts here are not "global warming theorists", they are international climatologists and they have reached a consensus. I have posted these links many times before, look them up. I have not seen a single scientific objection from you on this thread yet. All I see is railing against Al Gore and environmentalist nut jobs and Hollywood liberals. You see what I mean? I didn't bring up Al Gore on global warming. I don't use him to defend global warming, I use the IPCC conclusions. But this is all political to you, not scientific. It's all about Big Al to you.
I'm no big fan of Vitter (my "dear friend" comment apparently flew over the heads of the sarcastically impaired) and I actually like Clinton, but there are some things a President just doesn't do.
Aside from the indiscretion with Miss Piggy and his part in creating the current economic situation, you would be hard pressed to find any posts where I criticized Bill Clinton.