I'm sure SabanFan would have at least required it to be his wife. If it had been Hillary, instead of interns, I would have had no problem with it. The image of that almost made me puke.
Gore is a pussy, but really, . . . he's not a nut job. What did he do that was crazy? There are always dissenters in any discipline and that is good for science. But when the evidence is overwhelming, science goes with the consensus opinion. Most of the opposition to human-related global warming is political, not scientific. For instance, being opposed to it just because nut job democrat Al Gore supports it.
I don't believe the Clinton's have an actual relationship. I see them as business partners. In the end, Hillary allowed the partnership to continue while dismissing the cigar. My apologies for not adding context to my remark.
:lol: No shiat. I call it TacoSmell! If you need cleaning out, eat there. Results are instant sphincter explosion.
I've thought this for a long, long time. The Clintons do not have a traditional marriage. I'll bet they haven't really shared a home since leaving the White House.