If the deficit was at the 1/21/09 level, there would be no problem. Bush didn't spend $700B on the stimulus. Bush isn't spending $900B on a Healthcare plan that most don't want or need and we will be paying for 10 years to get 5 years of alleged benefit. Bush isn't planning to cap and tax us into submission on a pipe dream. Bush isn't contemplating another stimulus. Bush didn't say he's going to withdraw from Iraq and then not do it. Bush didn't say he was going to focus on Afganistan then ignore it like he's hoping it goes away. No, Bush is not the problem here.
Red, for somebody who claims to be a "moderate" you sure do spend a lot of time defending every irresponsisble policy of the ultraliberal Obama
But he did and we are. The Medicare Prescription Drug Plan of Bush's will cost a trillion dollars over 10 years. You will blame all of that on Obama, but it's Bush's contribution to health costs and it matches Obama's.