When you start at 78% it gives you a lot of room to drop to a healthy 52%. When he drops to a Bushlike 22%, then I'll worry.
hey just posting the link and first line. I found the poll should Congress's unfavorable marks. Also, Bush was not at 22% in the first 10 months. That is all the the article is commenting on. Why the Bush hate?
I was pointing them out just merely stating a few observations from myself on this so called "out of recession" rhetoric.
Semantics. It ain't over til it's over. U.S. recession over, unemployment seen at 10 percent | Reuters
Yet you're still working and making six figures. Your portfolio is growing and your employer did not go bankrupt. Obama has saved your job, Pancho! You're taking your wife to the mountains and fishing exotic lakes, consuming to your hearts content. So am I. Things are remarkably better than a year ago and continuing to improve. Why doesn't this please you?
You would have been at 90% if you would have started throwing bombs after 9/11. Benedict Arnold would have been at 90% if he had started throwing bombs after 9/11. Even my dumb ass would have had a 90% approval rating if would have starting throwing bombs after 9/11.
The deficit has grown significantly in the past 10 months and the projected deficits are mind boggling.