No, I don't. I take a pragmatic view which is against everything you stand for in crazy martinworld. Don't try to speak for me! I said that I support cap and trade in general and gave the very good reasons why. But, I also said that the bloated bill in Congress may have too many poison provisions to support, so I would wait until it got winnowed down before I could support it. That's a moderate position. And extreme position is to be automatically against everything that is democratic for pure political reasons. Like you.
thats not true martinworld is very pragmatic. the capital city is called pragmatown. just like the founding fathers! i believe it was john adams that said "we shall tax the living bejesus out of folks, and bring extreme hardship to those that would have the audacity to consume energy. in particular i think a nation should destroy the working classes, those that spend a large amount of their income on energy." you and the founding fathers, favoring extreme environmentalist wackology.
I have read it. I'm still waiting for you to quote the part where it advocates "less government". Because guess what? You don't know what the framers had in mind either. We only have the document they left. Again, I simply asked you to cite where he said anything at all like that. Following a campaign promise that got him elected to reform health care does NOT mean that he "wants the government to have a hand in everything". You're guessing at what he thinks and trying to pass it off as fact!
Ahh, martin, having no logic remaining on heath reform is changing the topic to "wacko environmentalists" and "energy". Whatever, I have to go mow before the storm hits . . .
"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government. " - thomas jefferson, resident of martinworld, (martinworld residents are opposed to stupid religion and in favor of small government.)
You really need to read Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny. Oh wait. He's a right wing spin meister.:dis:
I own that I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive. Thomas Jefferson I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. Thomas Jefferson, right wing spinmeister
yes, well, TJ was either paying for healthcare with chickens and homemade candles or just had a slave sew him up. id bet he would think the current private healthcare system was oppressive too.
I guess I lead a charmed life. If me or one of my family needs a doctor, we make an appointment and we go. Insurance pays some of it I pay the rest. It's been that way for the 40 or so years of my adult life, even when I worked for $1.65 an hour. Why all of a sudden is there such a huge crisis? Oppressive health care system? WTF is that? It's keeping you down? Dude, get off your ass and do something about it.
cmon, sf. its oppressive because the costs are too high. if you were making the equivalent of $1.65/HR now, you would be oppressed by the high costs of premiums and care. this is not 1975. i love it. you should run for office.--"Why all of a sudden is there such a huge crisis? Oppressive health care system? WTF is that? It's keeping you down? Dude, get off your ass and do something about it."