ok, given that i have shown that any moron can claim they favor "balance", lets try to speak in specifics from now on. stop just claiming you are a moderate and acting like that justifies your crazy policy. it simply isnt "moderate" to favor cap and trade or massive government health care.
Yeah, wow. Show me where it says this. The constitution specifies an adequate government. Nothing more, nothing less.
of course, and in most cases you take an extreme liberal view. like if i ask you if you oppose obamas cap and trade, you say no. that is a liberal position. if i ask you if you favor big government health care, you say yes, that is a liberal position. and so on...
it always entertains me when you use vague terms like "adequate". it is like if a chef asked me if i like my food spicy or mild and i say i like it "just right". i havent really answered.
Another WOW! I made it up? You don't have any idea what the framers had in mind, do you? The whole idea behind the Constitution was to avoid what England had done to the colonists. The government's role is administration, not intrusion. Obama wants the government to have a hand in everything. Just because you "articulate" something doesn't mean it's so. I made it up? Read the damn thing, Man.