these people want to vent, they dont want to debate. that is un-american. theyre believing any rumor and worst case scenario because they want to believe it, not because they want what is best for the country. these are the same type of people that are against vaccinations and fluoride in the water.
Do you include the million man march, NOW, PETA, ACORN, etc. into this mix? Why can these people voice their concern/opposition, etc. and it's considered acceptable but when people get involved and realize this administration is moving way too fast without divulging all the details, they're considered un-American, Nazis, trouble makers, etc. :nope: Had this country never had people like this...we wouldn't have this country now! Why is nobody mentioning the number of Democrats who are also 1) opposed to the plan; or 2) wanting revisions; or 3) requesting more time to review the details; or 4) asking for clarification; or 5) some/all of the above? I don't hear anybody claiming they're un-American. The Democrats already have the votes so they need to quit lying by stating the Republicans are distorting the truth. If you want the have the votes...go ahead and cram it down our throats. Of course, they would prefer to play games and blame this on the usual. They're getting scared because they know this will cost them votes.
The propaganda movement begins today so you may want to turn your tv off unless you want to get flooded with cute comments and soft music in the background. They'll say you and your doctor should make the decisions but I'm guessing there won't be any mention of a health care czar being involved. :nope:
Free Speech is not imperiled. The problem was the extremists from both sides that arrived with their minds made up and were grandstanding for the cameras. That's fine outside on the street. But the town hall meeting itself was supposed to be a civil interchange of ideas to help people decide. Tough questions from the audience were not a problem. The problem was those trying to turn a public meeting into the Jerry Springer Show. And if they don't want to be called Nazis, then they shouldn't be carrying the swastika signs.
I didn't realize Nancy Pelosi posted here. Every picture I saw of those signs, granted I didn't go looking for them, was a swastika crossed in anti-nazi, as in the opposite, as in NOT nazi.
Well I think it's well known that red and I don't exactly see eye to eye, but he's the only one I see in this thread that's actually reading the bill and not the stupid "cliffs notes" version/versions of the bill that are completely right-wing blind-eye slanted, and for that I have to give him props (although that doesn't mean I agree with everything he's said in this thread....) The bill is not good. The right-wing talking points about the bill are terrible overstatements, though. It's very true that there needs to be a lot more clarification and refinement in there, but this stuff about the freaking INSURANCE CARD being your "KGB papers" or the EFT meaning "full access to your money" is retarded. Every freaking business transaction that ever occurs these days involves EFT at some point. This is 2009, people. And the "death panels" and "assisted suicide counseling" arguements are absurd, as well.