Obama continues to force his agenda down our throats - Part1

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by DoctorDave, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    How is it not insular? Are there numerous independent businesses on campus? That said, I will accept that you know enough fairly liberal people who own businesses. An example of the types of businesses I have talked with in the last month:

    machine shops
    sign shops
    day care centers
    insurance agents
    mortgage brokers
    lumber companies
    tax preparers
    alarm service
    lighting retailer
    auto repair
    dog boarder
    trolling motor shop
    hair dressers
    weapons trainer
    comic book retailer
    jewelry stores
    dance studios
    dry cleaners

    etc, etc

    So far, no book stores, so I think I will have to find a few independent ones to talk with. I still stand by my statement that I talk to a very large cross section of independent business owners and the overwhelming majority want him gone.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Actually, there are. Private mail service replaced the union post office. Campus Duplications is now a private business. Barnes and Noble runs the bookstore. And eateries . . . McDonalds, Chick Fila, CC's Coffee, Panda Express, Papa Johns, Salsarita's, Quiznos' . . . it's a long list. There are lots of consultants and contractors of various kinds with offices on campus.

    Dude, do think it's like Hogwarts? That we wear gowns, live on campus, and call each other Professor So-and-so? :wink:

    Do you think I never leave campus, nor do business in the private sector? There are liberals running businesses in South Baton Rouge.
  3. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Kyle those are all bastions of conservatism. Clearly their are no liberals in that narrow bunch.
  4. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Those that you mention - McD's, Chick Filet, Papa Johns, Quizno's...I have talked with owners here in Mandeville and they would be included in my "don't like Barry" list. That said, in my previous answer, I stipulated to your knowing lots of lib onrs. My list is ones I have personally spoken with and sold.
  5. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Read this one today......

    Can anyone guess who wrote this?
  6. b_leblanc

    b_leblanc That's just my game...

    Mrs. Obama? :D
    1 person likes this.
  7. DoctorDave

    DoctorDave Guest

  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    independent of both of you being self-righteous, this question has an answer. republicans are better because they at least in principle favor smaller government, while also benig more pro-active with national defense.

    i aware that republicans fail often, particularly with social issues. but social issues are only cared about by morons that dont understand what really matters.

    and most people who are very vocal about opposition to the republican party are pompous *******s. most people who are vocal about opposition to the democratic party are middle american unsophisticated religious morons. but beyond all that, republicans are more right on the issues that matter, and that means tax and foreign policy.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Speaking of pompous asses . . .
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    i least i dont straddle the lines, always refusing to have a principle, for fear of losing the moral high ground to either side.

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