Obama: Change? What change?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by SabanFan, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    The term "government involvement" is not a synonym for "socialism". Obviously government has some responsibilities that it can better manage than the public sector, defense (and by extension, law enforcement) being the most obvious. It's when government begins to needlessly intrude on functions clearly best left to the private sector that the problems begin.

    No, but that was merely one example. But when you hear repeated cries for gun control, tax increases on the highest taxed bracket and giveaways for those who don't pay taxes at all, socialized medicine, infringements on the First Amendment (which is exactly what the Fairness Doctrine is), and you notice its all coming from the same party (Obama's party), its not difficult to figure out that party's ultimate goal.

    Why? How about because they are producing and selling the most in-demand product in the world? Exxon reported profits of 11 billion last year, and taxes of 32 billion. Yes, they paid nearly 2 dollars for every dollar in profit (no, I don't have a link; the guy who does MoneyTalk on WWL reported this over the weekend.) And by the way, you attribute all profit as coming diretly from US consumers. Have you noticed that the explosion of Big Oil profits has coincided almost directly with the expansion of the Chinese and Indian economies, two of the largest population demographics in the world? Maybe that has something to do with it as well?....no new refineries, no expansion of production? Have you not noticed the arguments going on in Congress? The vast majority of the argument against new drilling is coming from the Dem side of the aisle, supported by the environmental lobby.

    I did not make up that Maxine Waters wants to nationalize the oil industry. I did not make up that Al Gore wants to dictate what we drive or how we heat and cool our homes. I did not make up that Bill and Hillary Clinton tried to nationalize 1/5 of the US economy with their health care plan, which Obama will gladly do again. I did not make up that Obama's solution to high energy costs is to tax the energy producers. I did not make up the fact that Democrats are pushing for the Fairness Doctrine as a means of squashing voices that they can't defeat in the public arena. I do not make up that every time gun control advocates move to infringe on the Second Amendment, they seek out allies in the Democratic Party. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, let's call it a duck.
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  2. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Government regulation by the democrat party and leftists have prevented oil companies from re-investing some if not most of their profits.
    The party that you support btw.
    So what do you want them to do, give them to the poor?
    Your posts about CEO's and big oil and their profits.
    Either you are for free enterprise or you are for a government controlled economy?
    See my first point above also.
    Let me ask you a question?
    With oil and fuel prices going sky high, how is it that their costs of producing, transporting and refining oil haven't gone up?
    Again, see my first post.
    Why haven't they built new refineries?
    Its ok if countries from Abroad earn huge profits?
    Just not American Companies?
    Yes, the robin hood approach, take from the rich and give to the poor.
    Obama should pick you as vp.

    Great post Mctiger btw!:grin:
  3. G_MAN113

    G_MAN113 Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    What you're conveniently leaving out is that these companies, while turning record profits, are only running a profit margin of 8% or less. Nice try, though.
  4. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    Nov 1, 2003
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    What a great read.

    Red is totally on point for the most part of this thread.

    While I do agree Government Health Care is a bit socialistic in nature it is probably the least of my worries right now.

    And I really find it funny that some of you so called Republicans yap about Social Security and how it needs reform. The problem is those idiots in Congress keep taking money from the fund with promises to pay it back. Now there isn't any money. The whole thing needs to be scrapped and those punished that took.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That was my point, amigo.

    In whose opinion? That sounds very logical but people all draw that line in different places. Is the health of the country and the money it costs it citizens (greater than anywhere in the world) less vital than our mail?

    Not whem their ultimate goals are clearly stated and don't include replacing a capitalist economy, nor installing a communist government, nor embracing Marxist philosophy, nor collective ownership.

    A wise fellow once said "The term "government involvement" is not a synonym for "socialism". "


    Neither the Clinton nor the Obama heath plans involve any sort of nationalization. Where do you get this notion? Just exactly like the Bush Medicare Prescription Plans, it involves the existing health insurance industry to manage the government-sponsored health insurance plans.

    Taxation does not constitute socialism. Democracies tax their citizens and industry. That is not required under communism, they own it all and loan it to you. Obama suggests nothing of the kind.

    What? How is this socialism? You are now trying to make everything that you don't like about the democrats into socialiam and you are getting way off the mark.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    A decent profit margin on their work is not a problem. The problem is taking advantage of international oil prices to gouge the US consumer by also taking an override on the inflated price of the raw product.
  7. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Check this Amigo, you can call it what you want, socialism, centralized, homoginized, blah blah blah, Take a good look at the VA. Its garbage. Now imagine THAT being responsible for the ENTIRE country. Yeah you fools go on and vote obama. So freaking what if W sucks. Guess what, he got EVERY ONE of his idiotic ideas right by a freaking liberal congress time after time. So what does it mean ..... not a GD thing. It is what it is. The lot of you, save a few, are so eat up with envy and bitching about who has more money then me, boo hoo hoo. Get the hell over it and invest in something. Get a job, have a garage sale, don't buy so much scotch. If my hair was long enough to pull I might be bald reading some of this crap.
    2 people like this.
  8. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Nov 24, 2007
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    That's right. Obama is anti-opportunity, anti-trying, anti-earning anything. His life story proves this. Damn Muslims.
  9. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Nov 24, 2007
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    I agree. Obama, a former USSR operative, is trying to make this a Communist country. That is why he's over in Communist China right now kissing their azz (no, Bush would never do that).
  10. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Nov 24, 2007
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    Bush and McCain are God. The GOP is the GOD party. They are right about everything.

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