For real. Seeing Obama bow to that douchebag admittedly made me a little uncomfortable, but not quite as much as this little engagement. I don't know, I sort of expect to see presidents and diplomats bow to other foreign leaders as a sign of respect, but the Saudis are some of the absolute worst people in the world. If I had my drothers, we wouldn't be dealing with them in any respect. They are guilty of the most widespread and greusome human rights violations in the Arab world, and they are the epitome of the scum that we sacrifice our integrity for due to our reliance on foreign oil. At any rate, it's naive to look at this for more than what it is, but it certainly does make for great fodder for the OMGMUSLIMLIBRULTERR'IST hysterics. The only thing that Obama has in common with the Saudis is his skin color. The fundamental differences between his ideologies and those of Saudi royalty are vast to any reasonable person. For crying out loud, Saudia Arabia is the only country in the world where women are still not permitted to drive. How many liberals do you that would support that?
I have home movies of my Dad's visit with King Faisal (1960's), and he was a very proper host. From the camel races to dinner it was a very grand day. Of course there was this underlying sense of oppression, well not really underlying....
Yunno, when I wrote that, I just knew I was setting that bait. But I figured one of these neocons would jump on it first.
Shhhh! you can't say Neocon. They never existed. If there was an administration between Clinton and Obama it must not be blamed for it's actions. In fact it must not be named at all. Democrats who nod at Kings are scum. Republicans to kiss them on the lips and hold hands with them . . . must be forgotten. Never happened.
No, just irelevant. This is Obama's baby now. We know how Bush handled terrorist threats from radical muslims. I suspect Barry may be reluctant to pull the trigger on anyone who might reside in the uppermost branches of his family tree.
I wasn't aware that Kenyan terrorists were a problem. Or was it his Kansas side that you were referring to?