Typical Dem response. "Oh Yeah? Well look at what Bush did." I agree with Dececks and have the same concerns. Obama is like a 13 year old who gets put in college because he's smart.
Fake concerns go find something else to piss and moan about. A bow, seriously? Typical Repub response" Hypocrisy at its finest.
I heard the same response about Special Olympics remark. Why then am I still hearing about Bush's "Mission Accomplished"? There's hypocricy here but it's coming from the port side.
Not in this thread my friend, the point of me posting the video was to show the hypocrisy from the start of this thread. I mean its a bow, who cares, that makes him unfit to lead. The massage didnt bother me. The special olympics comment bothers me more than anything. The point is the last guy no matter what he did(gaffes) was a great leader? Thats my question.
It matters not. Bush is gone. Obama is now the man on the hot seat. Dems ridiculed Bush for the past 6 years as though it was somehow pertinent to his ability to lead. The bow IS a big deal. It tells (rightly or wrongly) radical muslims that we are subservient to them. It feeds their blood lust and convinces them they they are on the right path toward converting or destroying the infidels. These are not rational humans, no matter how hard Obama tries to convince us that they are.
The Saudi King is a radical muslim? Why didnt we invade them then. Nevermind dont answer that, it will just be back and forth with no results. If you got all of that from a Bow, then bless you.
MM...as I've told you many times, I don't have to agree with your opinion to respect the fact that you have one. We don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of political issues but I respect the fact that you stay involved and are passionate about your beliefs. Even so, it's amazing that you (as a hardcore Democrat) can use the word "hypocrisy". This is the word that has defined your party for the past few decades. Is there hypocrisy among Republicans and Independents?...sure but nobody even comes close to doing it as well as the Democrats. I don't want a U.S. President to bow before anyone...especially before someone in the Middle East. If it's not an issue, then why are Obama's supporters trying to claim he didn't bow when he clearly did?
It matters not if the Saudi King is a radical muslim or not, the radical mulims wherever they may be are watching and they all just got their jollies because they saw the POTUS bow before a muslim. Its weak, its illadvised, and its a disgrace (IMO)