To me a more relevant topic would have been the state of the economy and the workplace that the new graduates are about enter. Not reducing unwanted pregnancies. Does anyone know the ages of the most abortions? Teens? 20's?
they already did this for Daniel Moynahan. maybe they overlooked the abortion thing because he's Irish.
"the proportion of abortions obtained by women younger than 20 dropped steadily, falling from 33 percent in 1974 to 17 percent in 2004. For those younger than 18, it fell from 15 percent of all abortions in 1974 to 6 percent in 2004. At the same time, the proportion of abortions obtained by women in their 20s increased from 50 percent to 57 percent, and the share done for women age 30 and older rose from 18 percent to 27 percent. " so the rate dropped in half for the teenagers. just shows how $hitty parents can be. half are 20-somethings (no surprise). interestingly the % that are 30-somethings increased 50%. it would be nice to know the relative rates of these groups for pregnancies. Study Finds Major Shift in Abortion Demographics -
I was correct in assuming that more women (not teenage girls) are responsible for the majority of the decisions to abort which is why I kept referring to the issue as "unwanted pregnancies" not "teenage pregnancies."
Ive admitted a couple times on this forum where he has been wrong. I unlike you can be pragmatic and not buy into strict party politics all the time. Just like Bush could and can do no wrong in your eyes. Sometimes you have to take a break from being a hypocrite.
what is that? rick james's autobiography? i mean, he would probably know a lot about unwanted pregancies.:dis:
If the precentage of teen pregnancies went down, wouldn't the percentage of another group have to go up? That is about useless information. Did Obama only speak about abortion at the commencement speech? As far as Notre Dame inviting him to speak, do colleges only invite speakers that agree 100% with what they stand for? Having a pretty popular president speak at one's commencement seems like a coup for the university. I had some boring ass at mine and my wife had Blah-bin-o Blank-o at hers (worst speech ever).