Obama and Healthcare reform

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by SabanFan, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Yeah right. I’ll prove what is common sense just as soon as you prove that the stimulus bill that was really a slush fund actually created millions of jobs and didn’t worsen our economic situation tremendously.
  2. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    No one sticks to what is the leftwing talking points more rigidly than poor old Red.
  3. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Your right, Tax Cheat Geitner, Communist Van Jones, the woman in his cabinet, whats her name that looks up to a communist leader, forgot the name.
    What are you talking about here, which bailouts?
    The ones on Obama's watch too?
    It doesn't matter I see you left out Fanny and Freddie and blamed it all on Bush?
    If you remember there were warning signs, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd objected to Bush doing anything to fix those, I STILL blame it on Bush, he didn't have the balls to do the job.
    Not that I care, I won't take up for Bush
    I didn't think he was a very good president except response for 9/11.
    Not my favorite, he wasn't conservative enough and grew government.
    I was against the Bush bailouts and am against Obam's as well.
    Democrats were also involved, Chris Dodd for instance with Country Wide.
    I assure you we don't know the whole story when it comes to these issues.
    What are you talking about here?
    EVERYONE was on board when we first went into Iraq.
    Bill Clinton in a speech that can be found on the internet said that Iraq had WMD's along with every foreign intelligence agency.
    Go do the research, I don't think it has been rewritten yet.

    What you and everyone else need to realize is that we were hellbent on going back to Iraq sooner or later because of the threat about WMD's along with the UN resolutions.
    I am not taking up for Bush I am stating FACTS.

    Staying there was a total different story IMHO.

    You may be right but it seems like the country is about to go off a cliff and a point of no return.
    I don't think things have ever seemed as dyer as they are now.
    I also don't take kindly to this administration and their hellbent attitude of violating rules or the constitution to do as they please.
    And Yours with respect, this is America we can disagree.
    I'm ok with that!:)
  4. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Just cannot let this one get away. Once in Iraq everyone was behind the troops, as they should be, and many were behind the war based on what our President told us to be true.

    Unfortunately, and un-spinnably, most of the rationale offered by President Bush WAS NOT TRUE and the PRESIDENT KNEW that. The CIA knew that, the DIA knew that (and both were disregarded), and the warmongers aka NEOCONS knew that, but did not care. They needed an excuse.

    Please, please, please do not believe that we went to war about the WMD's. We went to war about the oil. Period. Oh, and the neo-con doctrine of the early 1990's lays it all out, too, if you do not believe me.

    I know this is a gross derailment of a Healthcare thread. I apologize, but could not hold back.

    Just for fun: http://www.georgewashington2.blogspot.com/2009/11/everyone-knew-that-iraq-didnt-have-wmds.html

    Did not research the source, probably left wing, but the sub-sources appear to be id'd pretty well.

  5. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    That's total Bullsh!t. I'd argue but you are clearly an addlepate.
  6. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    couldn't agree more SF. BTW, great word!
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    I knew that you couldn't make a case for a slush fund.
  8. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    We agree, why would you want to argue. Clearly it is bull**** that our President lied, straight faced to us.

    Go fix yourself a mess of crawdads and settle down. I thought addlepate was some kind of big fish, like a sturgeon.

  9. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oh, it's big alright. Are you even aware that the decision to go after Saddam was a bipartisan one?
  10. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Based on Lies told by OUR PRESIDENT and his inner circle. That is the point. We, the PEOPLE, believed our President and he LIED to us. Yellowcake, cetrifuge tubes, Al Queda connection, chemical weapons, bio labs...they all washed out. Every single one of them once the public had a chance to check out what the President stated, repeatedly was true.

    You posture yourself as an intelligent man. I suspect you are. Just review this link. Surely you can do that, objectively. Only a very small minded person would refuse to read and learn.

    You may question the source as leftist pinko. Before posting I reviewed the board of directors, I don't see any pinkos, but the point is that this is a DOCUMENTED DATA BASE. You may question their motives, you my question their patriotism, you may question their voting, but it is documented. Just mix a drink and READ with an open mind.

    This is from an outfit called the Center for Public Integrity, an investigative news organization. Again, just focus on their documented facts.

    Iraq: The War Card - The Center for Public Integrity

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