Obama and Healthcare reform

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by SabanFan, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Are you talkin' to the ladies again? :huh:
  2. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    No. That's Tiger.
  3. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    There you go again living in the past.

    A bunch of you people made up a rule that we wouldn't discuss the last administration just the one present when talking about Clinton vs Bush and yet you guys have changed the rules of the game as you go!:insane::rofl:
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Gosh, Beaver. Karl Rove compared the spending of two administrations. How's a guy supposed to address it without mentioning two administrations? :huh:

    Lets Ask Dad! He'll know. :thumb:
  5. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    The goal, as Democrats stated openly on many occasions, was to show that radical change could be accomplished in order to prepare the way for further radical changes and a massive redistribution of wealth. In the process they undermined public faith in American democracy by casting aside the ordinary rules of political deliberation.

    What’s next…possibly another enormous power grab of our energy sector under the guise of cap and tax, or maybe mainstreaming amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants to secure Obama’s reelection?

    Everyone says that the Republicans will retake the House and possibly the Senate in November, but during the last election cycle 93 percent of incumbents were reelected, as everybody hates Congress but at the same time they also love their own particular Congressman.
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  6. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    I’m one of those independents and I feel qualified to speak for them. As a matter of fact, I didn’t vote in the last presidential election because first of all I was pissed off at the fact that the Bush administration and the Republican Congresses under Bush’s leadership had betrayed conservatives principles and values by morphing into the second coming of the Democrat Party and then trying for 8 years to out democrat the Democrat Party.

    I mean prior to Bush’s election as President, the Republican majority Congress was very busy reforming government programs, and because of those government reforms pushed by the Republican majorities in Congress, the first surpluses soon started to emerge in over 40 years. However, as soon as Bush was elected President all Republican led reform of government all of a sudden ceased, as Bush jerked the Republican Party sharply to the left.

    I didn’t vote also because John McCain was another faux conservative liberal just like Bush who had made his living for many years back-stabbing the conservatives at the most inopportune times and also by championing liberal causes such as campaign finance reform and amnesty for illegal emigrants. In other words, McCain had sh!t all over conservatives for many years and there was no way in hell that true conservative independents like me were going to vote for that backstabbing loser.

    Thus, through media manipulation when McCain won the Republican Party nomination, it became preordained at that point that whoever won the Democrat Party nomination would become President, as millions of conservatives like me refused to continue to hold our noses any longer while the left continued to hijack and co-opt the Republican Party.

    Therefore, I can assure you that most independent tea partiers don’t want the Republican Party to move further to the left since it is already too far to the left thanks to losers like Bush and McCain. In fact, most tea party independents were already extremely pissed off at the sharp left turn made by the Republican Party under the Bush administration.

    As a matter of fact, if the Republican Party doesn’t cast out the liberals that hijacked the party and return back to its former conservative principles and values, the Republican Party is going to find itself being a weak third party in sharp decline.

    Of course, what you consider to be ultra conservatism is in reality mainstream conservatism since you think that Obama is a mainstream liberal or centrist, and consider the previous Bush administration to be ultra conservative.

  7. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Fair enough, but I'm curious. Where did you stand about 4 years ago when the GOP had both houses and the Dems (cheered on by the MSM) were screaming about "minority rights?"
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Not exactly. They did precisely what the republicans did when they held both houses and the White House. It is neither illegal nor uncommmon. Karl Rove 101 is that if you have a simple majority, you don't have to accommodate the minority at all. The democrats are playing hardball now, too.

    The Neocons took the republican party completely out of Reagan pragmatism. Reagan ran as a right-wing conservative, but he Presided as a moderate and carefully curried opposition support for his major initiatives as did Bush I and Clinton. Neither party seems capable of it today.

    Nope. That is the silver lining for republicans. The democrats are not taking on another major controversy anytime soon. They will lay back in zone defense and see what the republicans come at them with next, praying "Please let it be Sarah, Please let it be Sarah". They believe they can count on the GOP shooting itself in the foot more than they can count on the Blue Dogs backing another divisive issue.

    Actually, deportations have gone up in the US under Obama and the hispanic community is giving Obama hell for it. Illegals get no coverage under the new health care law either. And stricter enforcement of employers hiring illegals is coming, too. Obama is courting Hispanic Americans like any other politician, but he has not coddled illegal Mexican Nationals.

    I don't think anybody is interested in another amnesty based on future tightening of borders and illegal employers breaking the laws. They want to see borders locked down now, transient agriculture workers working under permits, and the drug gangs operating on our side of the bordered hammered very hard. Then if somebody can make a case for amnesty based on years of good behavior, hard work, paying taxes, children who are citizens, etc. they can do so on a case by case basis and get a green card.

    There will be shifts and there would have been some rebound anyway for the republicans. But I don't think there will be a wholesale shift of independents to the GOP. They have mixed feelings about the issues and can usually be counted on to move in small increments.
  9. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Obama’s style stimulus package was in reality a slush fund created by the Democrats and Obama to pay off political cronies and it will end up costing this country over $3 trillion in the long run, and if anyone is gullible and naïve enough to believe that it somehow worked and created jobs and boosted the economy while unemployment in reality skyrocketed and while the bulk of it still hasn’t been spent yet, then that someone needs to get his head examined.

    Moreover, Obama’s latest jobs bill is also more of the same. It’s another slush fund that will inevitably be used to pay off political cronies.

    There is only one way to create jobs and boost economic growth and that is to provide economic incentives in the way of lower taxation and less government interference. Enormous Power grabs, exponentially far greater government regulation and control, and much higher taxes and income redistribution to the contrary will inevitably have a very deleterious impact on our economy.

    Not only that but they also ensure that government revenues will steadily decline as the economy continues to falter. Hold on to your hat, if you believe the period of malaise, run away inflation, steep interest rates, and the subsequent recession created by Jimmy Carter were bad, you haven’t seen anything yet, as far from recovering economically the US economy will continue to falter as these onerous policies become enacted.
  10. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    And then some.

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