Not at all. The sooner the medical industry changes over to digitized records the better. However, after reading the results of this major study I just don't think the savings are as vast as I once thought nor is the efficiency increased as much. As this study concluded only moderate savings and increased efficiency were made even under optimal conditions.
The government insurance option has been dropped. "Single Payer" has been dropped. Why are you against better government regulations? Incidentally, if you Google "Digitize Medical Records" you'll find that there is a healthy business already in providing this service to hospitals and providers. You often overlook that "government programs" mostly utilize contract services from the private sector. Certainly the private sector already does. What is the problem with setting some guidelines and standards while we are at it? Especially if it saves money and improves care.
I was asking a question. Sorry for not including the question mark. By your previous statements that is what I THINK you are saying. Are you not?
When it can be shown to be, sure. Make your case. I do not buy the line that ALL government regulation is bad. Corporate greed is rampant in this nation and regulations are what protects us from it.
no doubt, without regulations the middle class will be cease to exist in a few years and this country will be like mexico, with the uber rich living in houses with security guards cameras and electric fences around their compound, while the rest of us are getting our kids snatched and sold into slavery. hows that for fear mongering, stolen straight out of the republican playbook. no regulations gives you ass clowns like Kenneth Lay, Jeff Skilling, and company raping everyone. They would sell arsenic as a childhood food, and sleep like fahqing babies.
Government oversight is sometimes needed. In the case of insurance companies, they are the most regulated industry of them all, but it's by State. Louisiana is a prime example of how shaky that can be. I am not against oversight, but I don't want Big Brother either.