im saying our society is structured to where some significant % will have meager means. if they all were excellent students and got phd's at duke theyd have to move out of the country to make good money. so there will be havenots by default. and "havenots" here doesnt mean they have not a nice car or vacations but that they have not medical insurance. i believe as since society requires and even creates this class of people that basic services should be provided or at the very least not be hyperinflated because of a broken system.
Yes. It is my responsibility (interesting that you call it luck, which is mostly just the intersection of preperation and chance). My citizenship does not guarantee the length of my life or the quality of it. Just the opportunity to make my own way inside certain reasonable parameters. Sorry Red. I know a lot of irresponsible themselves. And I know a lot of unlucky themselves. I said I would be happy to fund a safety net, not a guaranteed lifestyle. In my case, I have made sacrifices and decisions so that your scenario is almost impossible. But if it were to happen, I'd look to family and friends for whatever support I had not earned/saved via my actions up to that day. In fact - I live this way every day. Inside my own means and with an eye towards maint my kids' lives better than my own. That is the American dream IMO. And also IMO I think a lot of people have lost sight of it.
What is your point? Insurance contracts have terms. When the term is up they may change the way they want to enter the contract in the next term. At which you either agree or don't...
The point is companies sometimes push the limits of the contracts and even break them to protect their interests. You are business savy enough to know that contracts can be interpreted in many ways. Thus the need for regulation as a guy making 30k/year can't fight an insurance company when all of the sudden they stop paying for claims of a very specific coverage. This is the issue, not some black and white contract that is either clearly followed or broken.
Regulation is what drives the price up. The issue is that most people don't read their contract or understand what insurance is.
Okay, so is it okay for an insurance company to take your premium under the presumption that when you get ill, they will pay and then you get ill and instead of paying, they drop the service that you need the next year?
that statement is ignorant, if we are living in Bangladesh. in america there is no excuse for living in poverty or having children in poverty, with minor exceptions. again, i see it all the time: poor immigrant with nothing - hard work- money - kids go to cornell- rich. thats what america is. unless you are lazy.