Obama administration dismantling CIA; Clinton Years Take 2

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by islstl, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Dec 21, 2004
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    I bet they would happily trade obama for Bush.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I'd take that bet.
  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    This is not an Obama vs. Bush thread, but you can't pass up an opportunity to denigrate the former President, can you?

    I didn't say Bush and the CIA were in bed together, but the facts are that the post 9/11 intelligence gathering was effective in keeping us safe. I'm arguing that this administration is castrating the CIA once again.

    MLU, you fail to consider the effect that all of this is having on CIA personnel.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    And you can't pass an opportunity to denigrate our current one, so live with it. You are the one who brought up Bush, so you really can't object to a response about Bush. Get real.

    In fact they did shine the spotlight. Do you imagine that the CIA did not use waterboarding and worse torture for decades previous to this? They certainly did, but they did it covertly with deniability for the country. Bush foolishly and openly tried to make it legal to do this. That's shining a very big spotlight on it. Obama seems to understand that covert operations need to remain covert.

    Obama found a middle ground here. He decided that no one was going to be prosecuted for these crimes and that we were moving forward. If he wanted to stick a knife in the back of the former administration, indictments would have been handed out. He threw the Republicans a bone by declining to prosecute.

    On the other hand, there is a big outcry in this country to hold people accountable for the failures and possible crimes that occurred during the Bush administration. So he threw Democrats a bone by releasing the memos to embarrass the former adminstration, but not jail them.
  5. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It's impossible to discuss this issue without bringing up the prior administration. I bring up my disagreements with Obama's policy but I did not denigrate the sitting President. And I never will. You, on the other hand, talk about Bush as though he were a retarded simpleton.

    I will respond to this when I stop laughing.

    And then he decided to let Holder decide. Then he thought it might not be a good idea. Let me know when he comes to a decision.

    There is no big outcry, Red. Thanks for playing.

    Rasmussen Reports: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Thank you, I hope you remember this.

    Retarded, never. Simpleton, perhaps. I think he was foolish, short-sighted, narrow-minded, and an ideologue. But I've never described him as evil, corrupt, or criminal and have not used any personal invective about him. Personally he is a very likeable guy . . . just an incompetent president.

    But I'm complaining about real, documented, obvious failures of his administration. You are complaining about fears of future Obama failures. And that's OK, but it's apples and oranges.

    No, you won't . .

    He already decided, but technically the Attorney General must make any prosecution, not the President. So Obama deferred to the AG. But Holder is no more likely to go against the President's wishes than Alberto Gonzales was.

    He'll let the Congressional democrats run with this for a while and get it out of their systems and then it will wither and die from lack of Presidential support. Just like their idea of taxing corporate executives 90% on their government-paid bonuses . . . they will squawk loud for a while and then it will quietly die.

    There certainly is in the President's own party. Just as Bush had to placate a Republican majority in Congress, Obama must placate a Democratic one.

    Dems push for torture hearings, ignoring Obama

    After Memos Release, Push for Torture Commission Grows

    Democrats Push For Memo Writers' Prosecution

    Watch and learn, they will make a loud noise but Obama will keep a lid on them regarding this matter.
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Depending on the polls. This time, political expediency demanded he go against his party.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Smart guy, eh? :grin:
  9. USMTiger

    USMTiger Founding Member

    Mar 8, 2003
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    As a card carrying member of the ACLU, I'd like to invite you stick your head up your nether regions and experience true domestic terror.

    How are you "terrorized" by the ACLU?
  10. USMTiger

    USMTiger Founding Member

    Mar 8, 2003
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    Yeah, sorry to disappoint you there, *******.

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