Fox News is laughing all the way to the bank. Obama and staff are generating more viewers by the hour. Desperation tactics. When will this administration get out of campaign mode and do something to help this country get back on it's feet?
Exactly right. This stupid move actually pushes more people towards Fox than away from them. People love the underdog and Obama's administration demonizing Fox will actually cause Fox to gain viewers. They are already killing all the other networks in ratings, this will just make it worse.
you guys are correct. this is like my argument abou the ads with skinny women. to argue against them only makes them more legitimate and deflects responsibility from the viewers. and no question about it, fox laughs to the bank.
Reports are that Obama met with MSNBC and another "News" organization representative for two and a half hours on Monday. Meanwhile we are Day 55 into waiting on a decision to send more troops to Afganistan.:dis: Obama Meets With MSNBC's Olbermann and Maddow |
Unbelievable. Only a left wing moon bat nut job could condone what Obama is doing with Olbermann and Maddow while vilifying Fox. :insane: Wasnt this a central point in Obama's election rhetoric and recent plan he announced last spring? Wasnt this a huge talking point around here when critics of the Bush policy kept harping about Afghanistan and Pakistan needing more attention and how Obama would properly address it? Obama is hanging Karzi out to dry, schools are closing in Afghanistan and there is a heated election run off about to take place. What a cluster phuck. :dis:
cant speak for him but yes, i do. its pretty good. not only news, but top gear may be the best show on tv.
"Never get into an argument with a man who buys ink by the barrel." Didn't Mark Twain say that? And didn't Nixon declare war on the NY Times? This white house is dumb enough to repeat that mistake? Regardless of your thoughts on Fox or their political ideology, they have the largest cable news viewership, which also includes the largest cross section of conservatives, moderates, and liberals. Even if they only had conservative viewers, Obama is smart to marginalize those voters so blatantly? What happened to uniting us? Didn't last did it? Other newsmen, some notably liberal have warned against isolating Fox. They are smart enough to know how stupid it is. Differences or not, I really believed Obama was politically bright, but with each day it becomes increasingly obvious that he is not.