Obama a one term president?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by cajun_tiger, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. GregLSU

    GregLSU LSUFANS.com

    Dec 2, 2007
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    I think so, his open spending, our ND larger than it ever has been, his laxed stance on more troops to Afghan, the whole "war" on terror debate, his actions when meeting other world leaders, the list could go on and on...

    The people who elected him apparently have decided they made a mistake since his popularity seems to be dwindling as each month passes... he's not going to be re-elected.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    BTW...can you pay a few more taxes for me? I'm sure it will go to good use. :lol:
  3. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Don't hold back Purple Tiger, tell us all how you really feel.

    Regrettably, when you assume you.....you know the drill.

    I am an independent, so I do not have a "beloved party."

    I did vote for Obama last year, actually I voted against the Republicans, and he was the alternative.

    I clearly have voted Republican many many more times than I have voted Democrat. Unfortunately the Republican party has digressed to the party of lies, exclusion, fear, and negativism, I think Spiro Agnew's (a Republican himself, in case you are not well read) "nattering nabobs of negativism" is apropos.

    If you are in the top 3-5% of income earners in this country, and I hope you are, since it would be cool to have that much money, I can understand your perspective.

    Other than that, I am afraid you are being played like a cheap fiddle by the immense and somewhat invisible neo-con machine that pits good working class people, people who have seen their buying power eroded, their standard of living eroded, and their confidence eroded against the democratic hoards.

    Do yourself a favor, go to the local library and read Krugman's, The Conscience of a Liberal.

    This will give you a different perspective and possibly some insight. Reading a book from a different perspective will not hurt you, will not make you less manly, but may, just may, as the Brits would say, "Open your eyes a bit."

    I certainly hope my moderate views have not angered you. That was not my intent.

    2 people like this.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    I believe the Democrats are making the same mistake (thankfully) they made in the early 90s. Instead of realizing this was a anti-Republican vote, they want to pretend it was a pro-Democrat vote. People didn't want much of what they're cramming down our throats...they wanted someone different in office.

    The leadership for the Democrats is currently nowhere close to being moderate. They're having many problems within their own ranks and have resorted to bribing the Blue Dogs to get their way. Of course they and their public affairs group (ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, & CNN) are trying to spin this saying it's Republican opposition that is stopping progress.

    When you have total control in DC and yet you blame the other party, talk radio, and the voting public...there are obviously more in-house problems than what they're saying.

    The people that have been played (like a cheap fiddle) are the minorities who have been promised the world by the Democrats for the past 40 years yet are in no better position now than they were then. The Democrats give them just enough to buy their vote and keep them in need of the government thereby owning them. I guess slavery really hasn't ended thanks to the Democrats.

    So much for the party of inclusion also. They buried their top female candidate (Clinton) then followed by thrashing Palin and Rice. (and they say they're pro-women :nope:)

    I give a large portion of my earnings to charity. I'm glad I can. What I don't want is the Democrats plan of taking more of my money and giving to the people they choose. I believe in being compassionate but I'm COMPLETELY OPPOSED to redistribution of wealth. There are far too many people in this country who are able yet contribute nothing to society!

    I hear Democrats talk about the Republicans trying to striking fear into the public but they never mention all their scare tactics. According to Al Gore the Earth should've already melted yet it's a nice, comfortable day and many places already have snow. Can you say...FRAUD?

    I'm judging based on what I've seen thus far...bailouts, health care, stimulus, cash for clunkers, etc...and I'm not seeing anything that resembles progress. Where's the "change" we were promised. I guess the entire plan was truly based on "hope". Let's just put money in the pockets of our buddies and "hope" we get away with it. :nope:

    I have no problem with anyone saying the previous administration screwed up...BUT for someone to pretend this administration is any better is just foolish. One year in...it's looking pretty bad and it's due to current policies NOT the previous eight. At what point do you finally accept a little responsibility and stop blaming the previous administration?

    What a nice game plan. If something goes well...take credit for it. If it goes awry...blame someone else. I guess if there are enough stupid people to buy into this...it will work.
  5. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    That is exactly right, most didn't vote Democrat they voted not Republican. However it's the same no matter which party wins, they all claim it as a affirmation that the people want their brand of corruption and ineptitude.

    It's called vote farming these days.
  6. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    Too much time between now and Nov 2011. But unless the GOP finds viable candidate that isn't a caricature, Obama will win another term. If Palin is the candidate, Obama wins in a mirror of the 2008 election.
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i hope the conservatives can accept the reality of what palin is. she cant win, it could never happen, she is a recipe for democratic success. right now the only realistic route is a mike bloomberg type, who would be a damn good president (compared to recent standards).
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    The Republicans haven't got a leader right now and time is a wastin'. Palin is a distraction that will only hurt the emergence of a real leader. It could happen but I ain't holding my breath. It's going to take someone to come out of the woodwork like Bush, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did. None were Washington insiders. The republicans tend to go with old-time party favorites. Running Dole so many times hurt them badly, but he had earned his way to the top of the pyramid and they were going to run with him.

    Some fresh new Republican will have to emerge with some new ideas and will probably have to embrace the middle like never before, which means dropping the extreme elements of the party. It's hard to see that happening very quickly.

    There has never been a better time for moderates from both parties to drop the extremists and start a third party in the middle.
  9. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    another NO vote. and, again, because of the lack of a candidate in the GOP.

    that can change fast though. and the economic recovery will be very slow and will be a negative for O. he may lose 5% on the left because of the recent war decision (the troop withdrawl deadline is in the summer before the election---was that planned for some political reason?) and if no public option/trigger comes through.
  10. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I think its too early to tell but if the economy doesn't improve and Obama does what most don't want him to do I believe the Republicans could run a dog catcher and defeat him.
    Obama was barely on the map when Bush was elected btw.

    Its the economy stupid.
    I see this as an exact replay between Bush and Clinton in 1993.
    I also see the Republicans taking over the house and senate in 2010.
    I think Obama has over reached with his leftest agenda.
    I believe America is a little more to the center than what this administration is and what he is trying to do.
    I believe a hell of a lot of people are waking up like never before.
    My understanding is a lot of Obama voters didn't show up to vote in 2010.
    I'll give yet another reason, if Obama spends all his capital and gets nothing done or the more radical ideas only he is one and done.

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