Yeah, I agree, I also think Seth Rollins is quite a talented wrestler. Very good promos and his in-ring work is good. Except for that whole, ending Sting's career and all...
this has got be one of the best derails i have ever seen, went from bitchin about the site to giving some luv to wraslin
You dont get to delete this @COTiger it will live. We are at 13 now. Be part of the problem or part of the solution. Your choice!
Go suck another cock. That's about all you're good for. And take a number. You'll have to stand in line behind Bengal B. He's the #1 cocksucker.
See what I mean? Just pent up anger and frustration! You're fight is not with me. I'm not quite sure why you think it is... Do I wish we had more folks here? Sure I do. I've taken a peek at the place where all our "good posters" bailed to and we are kicking their ass. Trust me, I was here in the good old days and who knows what lies ahead, one thing is for sure though; if all you do is bitch then all you will get is flak. I give @Tiger in NC all he can handle. In fact he offered to fly me out there to kick the shit out of him then pay for me a round of golf. We won't ever see things the same way but we can still be cordial, even if it cost him a grand for an ass kicking. You on the other hand, just an insufferable bastard as of late. Dude, knock it off, please! Like I said, be part of the problem or part of the solution.
Has your fucking dementia regressed you to third grade insults? Funny how your PMS happens about once a month.