Of course it is relevant. We are today where we are because of the Bush Administration. Is Obama making it worse? Maybe? I don't know, may be too early too see. He may be the worst President ever, i don't know that, im not nostradamus, but i do now how we got to this point.
what did bush do that was bad? spend too much? of course! bush is horrible! and for the same reason, obama is worse! have you no philosophy at all? no principles? do you like obama because the media likes him? because he is black? do you? how? was it spending? was it things like big government bailouts? does obama do these things? is tax and spend good or inst it?
i have no problem with discussion. What i have a problem with are the ignorant ****s out there who only complain because Obama is doing the same crap the last guy did, and had absolutely nothing to say about it then.
Yes, Bush was a big part of the first bailouts, and if you remember Congress (at first opposed it) Until Pelosi, Dodd and company were bought off by Goldman Sachs. Do you think that we should just not be taxed at all?
Wow, you really have a problem with that don't you? I am not the issue either but I will say that I was out spoken about Bush on issues just as I am on Obama. Read my comment to Swerve about the Republicans. NEWSFLASH, this isn't about one side of the aisle or the other its about the future of the country and our children! There is plenty of information out there stating that our children may not live by the same standards we have enjoyed. The problem is I am against more of Obama's policies than Bushs! HELLO? Who do you think is going to pay for all of these new taxes due to the stimulus and health care? U and I, even someone who pays no taxes will likely have to pay a vat tax when they purchase something to help make up the difference. It seems to me people who have this attitude must not concern themselves about the good of the country overall? Its all one side versus the other???!!! We have NO MONEY, CHINA owns our debt! Have you heard of what is happening in Greece due to debt? How about Massachusetts and health care? How about California and debt, they may not send people their tax refunds btw. ?????
and this causes problems, these bailouts? do you oppose the bailouts? if so, do you agree that obama is terrible? would you like an explanation on why bailouts are bad or do you just think they are bad because bush does them? low taxes. obviously. jesus christ the stupidity.
of course! this argument that we are blind partisans and suddenly we are magically opposed to massive spending is ludicrous. it isnt true, and even if it was it doesnt make the obama spending good.
how is that a goal? My goal is to support my family, and live comfortably, and be a good father and husband.
your goal in FSA. now i remember why i ignored you. people like you remind me that i am right to be racist. black folks in general are just not smart.