NPR didn't say that Obama was born in Africa. The phrase "son of Africa" is clearly a metaphor for "descendant of Africans" to anyone with an 8th grade education. People who can't let go of this are crazier than truthers. The muslim thing has been thoroughly debunked as well. All one can say is that Obama has a muslim middle name. I have a Hebrew middle name, but I ain't Jewish.
No it's not my argument, like i said before, impeach him, or elect someone else, but don't cry when the guy you don't like lies, and cheer when the guy you like lies. Be consistent.
This kind of thinking has gotten us in the situation we are in. I have to wonder if some of these people will change their tune if worse case scenario happens in this country? Vat tax, taxes to pay for stimulus, maybe some of these people will lose jobs, energy, gas prices are going up not to mention insurance, food. At what point will they stop blaming bush and blame Obama? Heck I think the unemployment rate may go up to 12 percent or higher in a few years. Do these people understand what is about to happen?
Obama and this congress if the bottom falls out can be blamed. But the bottom hasn't fallen out yet. The bottom fell out under Bush. The right, to this day still blame Clinton for sh!t, some consistency from BOTH parties would be a fresh change.
how do you know i am not consistent? for all you know i am a small government guy who always favors low spending no matter who is in office. why are you worried about whether i am consistent or not? i am not the issue!
the only reason i have involved you is because you are the only one to respond to my original post. Maybe you did blame Bush for out of control spending, hell i don't know.
Anyone who blasts Obama for the same crap Bush did (out of control government spending, and expansion of government), and for that matter, anyone who blasted Bush for the same crap Obama does (the war, etc).
of course i did! what of it! if i say obama spends too much you might counter with "well, he needs to spend to fix the economy" , or "the environemnt is in peril and we need to spend". those are stupid points, but at least they try to be relevant. what bush did has nothing to do with anything and is not a proper point to make. the obama spending is the issue, not the bush spending, not whether my irrelevant ass is consistent or not. even i was totally inconsistent, it wouldnt make my criticism of obama any less valid.
so your goal is not to discuss or sort out the issues but to find out which person is inconsistent? why do you give a damn? do you like huge spending or not?