I appreciate your concern regarding this issue. I am for any means necessary for removing this man from the office of president. Too many people have died for this country and the freedoms we have to let one man with a mysterious background, I do suspect he is muslim. NO christian or American would shun our allies and try and be friendly with our enemies, muslims, etc. This man has banned Islam and Jihad from national documents. Again actions speak louder than words. I don't mind changing the rules in the game since people like to change the rules of the game as they go to favor themselves. I just choose to do it to favor this once great country. Obama and the left have and some on the left here have changed the rules as they go also, its par for the course. After Obama said he didn't care about the process to get health care passed and the congress did what it did all bets are off as far as I'm concerned. I can agree with part of what you have said here. This is America and this is a forum, anyone can respond or disagree with me but if you disagree with me and think you are going to get a response out of me you are quite wrong. I'm in no mood and I'm not going to waste my time talking to anyone who is ok with what is happening in this country. I have friends in both parties here in Denver that I do get along with. They both have mentioned a possible revolution, we shall see but I am not for that at this point. Just pointing out that I don't think everything is A ok like some scared rabbits do in this forum.
Ok, if Obama is the worst president ever, and if he is lying, and has lied, and isn't American, and is a Muslim, and all these horrible things. A marxist, a communist, the next coming of Hitler, why not impeach him? I mean the right tried to impeach Clinton for getting a hummer in the oval office, and lying about it. Or could it be, that the right just whine like little babies when they don't get what they want? You don't like it, impeach him, or elect someone else.
Agreed. Generally I stay out of FSA because most of the time it seems like a bunch of people arguing for the sake of 'owning' the other guy in the argument, rather than having a discussion. As far as being "ok" with what's going on, I'm not. However, I have some sense of reality with regard to what can be done about it. I vote, I get on the phone and hassle legislators when I see fit, I shoot emails off to the ones I don't call, and I talk to my friends to encourage them to do the same.. Torches and pitchforks, not so much. I know I'm not going to change anyone's views here and I'm not one to post just to get people wound up. But despite my lack of posting in FSA, sometimes I will get a wild hair and post to make a point if I see it as valid at the time, regardless of what side of the fence it favors. And of course, if I realize later that my post wasn't quite right, I'll admit it, like when I misread the post I replied to. :grin: Apparently, I should set a "no posts until coffee" rule for myself. :hihi:
he isnt muslim, he isnt hitler, but he is the worst president ever, based almost entirely on growth of the government. of course i would love it if he were impeached. and to be fair, when you mention the clinton impeachment, you shouldnt say it was for a blowjob. it was for perjury, which he clearly was guilty of. complaining about runaway spending isnt "whining like babies". yunno taxpayers need that money. they worked for it. and it hurts our economy and the world when we tax too much. and the world economy is in not doing well. people are dying all over the world from poverty related problems. the least we can do for them is make our economy work, and create a marketplace for the goods of the world. the US is the world's biggest economy. it matters that we do well, for everyone. the right's insistence on free markets and low taxes is the only thing that can actually save the world.
he was just trying to be polite or something. i dunno what he was doing. he isnt muslim. if i was in asia i would bow to folks, isnt that what those slanty-eyed bastards do? who knows. i would bow, i like to be nice and follow the local customs. so does obama. no big deal. the dude definitely isnt muslim.
I am in total agreement here. I am probably venting or just blowing off steam because I simply can't stand what is going on in and to this country right now. I truly hope the republicans win over the house and senate and are able to neutralize Mr. Dictator himself. Keep in mind I am not happy with the republicans either, hell, put all independents in there for all I care. This man obama has to be stopped, we won't be able to defend ourselves once he is through dismantling the country economically or militarily speaking. That is only one side of the coin, never mind all the job losses, new taxes, vat tax! I don't know how anyone could support this stuff? My response you highlited wasn't directed at you btw.
Keep telling yourself that. Perjury, which is what i was referring to when i said he lied about it, has been a trademark of the presidency. But, it was an excuse for the right to get Clinton out of office because the religious right was pissed he didn't cheat on his wife with a male page. :hihi: Anyway, elect someone else. Bush's spending was out of control, where were you? If you think that a president is just going to come in and stop spending money, you are living a pipe dream, it's never going to happen. Go ahead, elect Sarah Palin, see where this country ends up.
if everyone does it, it is ok. is this really your argument? "BUSH DID IT TOO" IS NOT A PROPER ARGUMENT AGAINST THE OBAMA SPENDING is the obama spending good or isnt it? why doest it matter that i also hated the massive spending under bush, cant you ever stop with that stupid argument? of course i hate the bush spending. bush deserve a punch in his stupid christian face for spending so much. but how the F is that relevant?