Listening to the debate last night, it was clear how wedded Obama is to the old liberal Democratic econocmic views that has never worked, and he just can't seem to break loose. For example, Shaffer stated that despite the fact that the United States spends more money on eductation than any other country, it has one of the worse educational systems. Obviously, money is not the problem. What is Obama's solution? Throw more money at it.
There is a large segment of the population that did not experience the Carter Administration's economic policies first hand. I recall how Carter told the textile industry workers how those companies would be taxed and regulated to guarantee that their wages would keep pace with inflation. What happened? Carter pretty much killed off the entire US textile industry in less than 4 years. If Obama gets in and lives up to the specific promises that he has already made, he will destroy much of the defense industry, he will force about 500 rural hospitals to fold, and will tax the insurance industry into bankruptcy as well. And that will only be the start..... Obama will screw over our economy to the point where we will end up with an unemployment rate of over 12%.
There are some eerie similarities to 1976. I just don't want to wake up again and it be 1979. If for nothing else to avoid the bell bottoms and polyester. Music wasn't terrible though. Well, not completely.