People wanted Tepper fired shortly after he got here. He was a major part of the problem. O was in no way part of the problem and every Tiger fan on the planet wanted him to stay. Not a fair comparison. Plus O has now done it twice since he failed at Ole Miss. Was he at the top of my list? Hell no. But after the first two options came off the table and O did many good things he became the one that made most sense. He hasn't been perfect for sure, but he's earned the shot and I'm cautiously optimistic. At least Alleva finally tried something, even if O turns out not to be the answer.
Not to mention that McElwain is one of the ugliest SOBs on the planet. Damn, those are some awful horse teeth!
So do Saban, Meyer, Gruden, Belichick, Petersen, Pete Carroll, Jimmy Johnson, None of them were walking through the Tiger Stadium goalposts. So did just retired Catlick High coach Dale Weiner. Why not him. Look how great hiring a high school coach worked out for Notre Dame. Speaking of Belichick, didn't he get run out of Cleveland for losing too many games. Look, if Alleva had passed over big name coaches WHO WOULD HAVE TAKEN THE JOB, I'd be right there with you and your group of Negasayers. BUT HE DIDN'T! Alleva passed over a bunch of nobodies. Fleck?? Don't make me laugh! Fleck couldn't even get an interview with Oregon!