Noise/Sound in Dome & OK ability to hear snap?!!

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by ambrose, Dec 14, 2003.

  1. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    My husband had a high school friend who was a member of the great 49'ers teams of the mid-90's. One year we were in N.O. for the Saints/49'ers game, and we were able to attend a walk-through practice where crowd noise was pumped into the speakers in the Dome. We were down on the sideline, and I'm not sure being next to a jet engine would've been louder.

    It's going to be a much louder place to play that OU's ever experienced.

    Most LSU fans get headaches from yelling so loudly at games. The Sooners will not have experienced that before.
  2. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    This is one game that will not be won in the stands. You might be able to intimidate lesser programs bot OK has been their before and will not cringe at crowd noise. Crowd noise may help fire up the Tigers but IMO will not be a factor in the outcome. Doesn't mean we can't stand and scream all game lomg though. It does seem to impress the media but won't give Stoops the brook trout look.
  3. captainpodnuh

    captainpodnuh Baseball at da Box

    Aug 6, 2003
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    It won't be an overwhelming factor, but extreme noise levels affect both teams. Earlier this season, LSU's D had trouble making their calls because the noise level in Tiger Stadium was incredible.

    I expect it to have some affect on OU, but it won't be the sole cause of any outcome...
  4. DarkHornet

    DarkHornet Louisiana Sports Fan

    Sep 24, 2003
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    A little off subject, but something I never understood about crowd noise, at least in the LSU student section, is why do people start yelling after they break the huddle. Seems like it would make a lot more sense to be yelling while they are in the huddle. If they have to take a couple more seconds to get the play to the players, or if one of the players doesn't hear what the snap count is, that would increase the likelihood of a botched play.
  5. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    Oct 21, 2002
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    The crowd starts getting loud to try to screw up any audible that the QB tries to call after he looks at the defense. Someone correct me, but I don't think that we could yell loud enough to slow down the play calling in the huddle.
  6. tiger777

    tiger777 Founding Member

    Oct 23, 2001
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    ramah actually i have sat in vehicles with speakers loud enough to produce well over 150 and even 160. your ears drums will not bust instantly nor will you die. in the 160 vehicle its very hard to breath i mean very. at 150 it just hurts a little. and guys 120 is not loud enough to hurt you. yeah it might screw up their audibles but thats it. Im sure most of you have sat in a car or truck with a pair of 10's or 12's. If they are even half way descent they will push over 130 dbs. but I do hope we are loud enough to mess up their audibles.
  7. MiketheTiger69

    MiketheTiger69 Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Hey Tigers,
    I posted on the Sooner board about our legendary noise making abilities. Just like they don't have any respect for our team, the ain't got any for that either. You got a small sampling of their opinion from SoonerBird on this post.
    They can say all they want about how they respect our team and all that, but it's a load of crap. They're not even discussing the game up here, they're just gloating over all the awards their boys got and the same old same old about how they're gonna plow us under and beat us by 35-40 points, shut our running game down and make Matt Mauck throw 10 ints, etc, etc.
    I need some help over on their board. I hate to admit it but I'm a computer dummy and don't know how to link to it. But if you go to my post, "No respect in Soonerland", Wylie has the link. Let's get on over there and let give a sample of the noise we can make!!!!! :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :mad: :mad: :mad:
    "Mike The Tiger"
  8. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I don't want to call you out or anything, but you need to get a hearing test. :) I play in a small rock band and we try to keep it at 97 Db (measured with a handheld measuring device at the sound board) to allow people to hold a conversation off of the dance floor. We crank it to 100 Db for crowds that don't really want to talk all that much. Get it to 110 and you can't hear the guy standing 3 feet away from you yelling and your ears hurt. Most local bands go at 110 (ours tends to be a bit more merciful). At 120, there will be NO audibling from the QB that the Tackles can hear. Prolonged exposure to 100 or higher and you are risking permanent hearing loss (trust me). At 140 (like a "boom car") is really not healthy and would not allow the QB to call a play in the huddle. 140 would not happen in a game. The highest I would guess would be 125 (which leaves your ears ringing the next day).
  9. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    I think that the manner in which the tickets were dispersed, will take away some of the crowd noise, although still be loud. You will not have alot of the true Tiger fans at the dome. You know, the ones that drove every Saturday to Tiger stadium, or took that road trip to Tuscaloosa or flew to Arizona. These tickets were snatched up by corporations, politicians...etc. Only a handful of real Tiger fans will get to go, thus the noise will not reach its full potential like Saturday nights at Baton Rouge. I think it sucks.
  10. VanGeaux

    VanGeaux Founding Member

    Oct 10, 2003
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    Thats a goodn one SoonerBird. Too bad you couldn't be more wrong. I hate to be an a$$hole, but I know how our Tiger Fans can create havoc for ANY opponent. Dont come on our board like you know, when you dont. That is an insult to me and my fellow fans for taking away from what we are, the most intimidating fans on the planet. Nuff said.

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