It's ok to read between the lines on 1958's post but not lilcraw's!!! This didn't take much reading between the lines as evidenced by most responses to it. BSF has this one right. To try and say we need white kids on the team is just flat out racist, the color of one's skin has nothing at all to do with shooting a basketball. The racial makeup of a team is a non-factor. The guys that are good are good, the guys that are average are average and the guys that cannot shoot a lick are are bad, it has nothing to do with their race. Reddick wasn't recruited by Duke because he is White, and niether were any of the other good white players in the country. Duke has also has many a great team that has white guys playing almost no minutes as had NC, Mich St, and many other final four teams. It's is just stupid to throw race into the mix.
Let me tell all of you "so called" experts what the formula to a winning team is: I'm not saying that LSU needs an all white team or an all Black team or an all Asian team. I am just saying that they need to add some diversity to the starting line-up - you bunch of blind MF's. Let's look at one of LSU's greatest teams. They had a Spanish guy named Vargas, and a white boy named Blanton, and they were surrounded by great athletes like Wilson and Taylor, then they went to the final 4. Or, when they had CJ and Shaq and Hanson they made it to the big dance. The NBA team of the 90's had guys like Keer and Paxson and Koo-co. Mix it up a bit and the W's will come. It's called harmony. My statements aren't racist they're true. I'm not scared to point this stuff out bra. I hope the recruiters read this post and mix up next years team a bit. The current formula didn't work this year and it won't work next year unless we reinvigorate the basketball program. I want the hoops team to catch up to the football and baseball and track and softball and gymnastics programs. And 1958: shouldn't you be out, driving around, slowing down traffic - you old, crusty, poly-grip using, peeing on the toilet seat, pill-popping, dusty, get-in-the-box, jack off. Why don't you go wipe your @$$ instead of having a RN or your poor family do it 4 U. Just joking. I'm sure you are a cool guy who scores with the old tiger ladys while tail-gating on Sundays.......NOT!
It was not long ago. A young black athlele visited LSU college campus. A ****ING IDIOT M.E. professor told him that he would never get a degree in the Mechanical Engineer department. LSU football was unable to recruite good black athlete for the next 10 years. BTW, the whole gang of ME department professors later got sue for SCAM. I intentionally use the FOUR LETTERS WORD since I think it is APPROPRIATE.
He recruited him because he fit in with what he wanted....a pure shooter who can drain the 3 consistantly. I am just saying LSU needs to recruit a player such as this, regardless of what race he is.
lol recipe for winning team, damn it was this easy all along. do not give to anyone but john brady....since mr wooden let me have it. mix 1 TBS Caucasian PG with 80% FT% and 45% 3 pt shot (preferably 160lbs or less). Isolate from rest of mixture. stir in 3 CUPs African American Inside Presence, Low Post Shot Blocker and Helicopter. Let set 2 semesters. Add one or any to Mix, A Latino/hispanic/italian or Croation. Any amount. One of these usually has long hair and shoots lights out from 25 ft +. Preferably all. Blend well. Let set 1 more semester slowly blend in white boy. Serve over wax paper into Final Four cubes. Cut down net. enjoy.