Long necks for sure. Rednecks have discriminating taste too. :lol: At first, I thought that was odd that you'd use the auburn thing. Then it hit me, y'all are looking to leave a thumb print too. A little slow here, guess I'll have another Bud Light. :hihi:
Coach Miles got excited and a bit emotional at the Bash. I'm glad he apologized, tho, because a lot of folks from Bama were under the impression that he was being disrespectful towards Bama. I don't think that was the case. I can't speak for every LSU fan, but, from my perspective, since the Bear and Cholly Mac days, LSU has always had a healthy respect for Bama. I hope that this feeling is mutual, and I hope it continues. There's no reason for some remarks made during recruiting season to have any long term affects on LSU and Bama's healthy respect for each other's program. I look forward to following the progress of our two football programs. Bama has things on track, and, it will be fun to observe the results of their all-out offensive for the :crystal:
I look forward to November 3rd. It will be a blast. I already have tickets (a buddy of mine is a Bama season ticket holder). I think it will be a rowdy one, no doubt. Bama fans and LSU fans will clash at some point in the day. I will be a spectator, not a participant in the clashing of the fans.:tigerhead