That'll teach Berlin not to have a study group with Gore in it! Gore's score reminds me of Pedro Guerrero (of the Dodgers) when he was on trial for some sort of drug conspiracy. His attorney asserted the defense that he was, in fact, just too stupid to have committed the crime, based on an IQ that placed him just above Slingblade. His attorney even stated the Pedro struggled to get dressed in the mornings, and could not make his own bed. I'm thinking that upon hearing this idea for his defense, HAD to have been thinking about a plea deal.
you never know.. there could be learning disorders, etc that can lower score.. as for the bench, strength and conditioning doesnt come into it at all.. bench is something you can train specifically for, and im sure some of these guys did.
"an" illiterate person :hihi: :hihi: against ncaa rule with? :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: quit hanging out with travis. maybe he showed up with a hangover like I did for my first ACT test.
I didn't make it 5 years at LSU with a wonderlic score of 27. Which means i am 4 time smarter than Travis
I am not that shocked by the scores for CW and TD. I mean they were definitely never very impressive in interviews. I would have expected Marcus Randall to get about a 3.